Talk about Capitals hockey & more! > General Discusion Anything But Hockey
The Calm Before the Storm
--- Quote from: richkrt99 on Thursday January 28, 2021, 09:53:17 AM Eastern ---?
No. I am certain he is not a democrat :raspberry:
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Are YOU luvvie
--- Quote from: Surreylily on Tuesday February 02, 2021, 09:00:58 PM Eastern ---
Are YOU luvvie
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Nope. Not in the least. Wait...were you asking if I was a member of the KKK or if I was a democrat?
But, same answer. Nope.
I have never considered myself part of any political party, but I am old school and conservative, and I believe the country should follow the Constitution it was founded upon including that portion which believes in God and follows good Christian morals, so .....I'm pretty much out in the cold here, because we are SO far from that now.
Our government is supposed to be based on a system of checks and balances to maintain a proper balance of power. But it is broken. Our government (like many others) is so full of corruption and greed and run by folks who care more for themselves and improving/maintaining their own way of life rather than the country itself or for those people they are supposed to be representing and caring for.
power corrupts...
the KKK and the DNC have been the same people for the past 150 years
you wouldn’t know it by listening to cnn and msnbc, but Trump has never said anything as bad as the democrats have...
When I grow up, I wanna be Elon Musk
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