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The Calm Before the Storm
--- Quote from: richkrt99 on Monday January 11, 2021, 01:24:14 PM Eastern ---
The weather channel isn't reporting this storm (nor is anyone else) :-X
--- End quote ---
Would you believe me if I told you every channel will be reporting about the Storm over the next days?
it's only been a day but this has been confirmed for about the eighth time in the last 10 months, the difference this time is it came from the horses mouth...
MSNBC, CNN are Triumph Of The Will 24hrs a day
Little known fact, Triumph Of The Will was made by a woman
I think I finally have a clear picture of what is happening. Feel free to pass it to others.
This should have been required reading for every middle school student. Every American that has been to school and did not learn this fundamental truth about our country absolutely must read it. That means ALL of us need to read it.
This is THE BIG LIE revealed.
I believe THIS is what President Trump is/was attempting to free us from, and what he meant the thousand times he promised, "We are transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to you the people", which he said clearly and prominently at his inaugural address.
I believe the United States OF America incorporated is presently and permanently defunct as a result of some lawful legal action already taken by Trump and his team. I think Biden is holding the top office of an impotent foreign entity, the District of Columbia, which no longer has any jurisdiction over the original Republic for the United States of America. The military is occupying the District of Columbia because it is to them considered foreign soil as well as an invader.
This is probably why the SCOTUS correctly ruled that Texas had "No Standing" when they brought their lawsuit representing 17 states claiming injury from election fraud in various swing state to the defunct SCOTUS and USofA, Inc. It's all making sense now.
The walls came tumbling down for the deep state. This is why they have been so freaked out about Trump. They all HAD to have been aware of this fraud (learned in their Ivy league law schools?) and perpetuated it for their gain at our expense. They knew Donald Trump was not one of them. Donald Trump had not been initiated. They knew the lie could be exposed and the house of cards brought down.
If I am correct then Congress no longer has ANY power over the Republic for the United States of America. Imagine the humiliation of winning (stealing) both houses of Congress and the White House and slowly realizing you are holding an empty bag as you also were wondering if Trump really just gave up and left. No one had to be arrested or replaced. It was non-violent. Absolutely poetic!
Another clue, and there are many, is President Trump saying as he's about to board Air Force One to return to West Palm Beach, "We will be back in some form".
The following may be what President Trump meant when he said we must do this together.
We must insist our governments at state, county, and local levels unincorporate. As corporations these governments may operate under bastardized versions of law which circumvent Gods Law which is simple common Constitutional law which ensures man is free to do whatever they choose as long as it does not cause damage to another's person or property. As corporations governments are indemnified, meaning not easily held responsible for misdeeds even if they criminally violate common law damaging a person or property. This is a very simplified depiction of the many forms of law, which is far too complex to review here. There's many differences and complexities between various codes of law, which is further complicated by the type of monetary systems in use. Here is a wonderful layman's explanation of these complexities Be sure to read the link explaining the Uniform Commercial Code at which I expect will be untenable given the current situation I describe.
We must take back control of our currency, which currently controlled by the Federal Reserve. This is a foreign owned entity that loans us fiat currency, which is worthless paper printed out of thin air with no inherent value and which we must repay in gold and silver. This fraud is used to steal our wealth. We must return to an asset based currency like the gold standard as we had before and it must be issued and controlled by the people as mandated by our original constitution.
Only after we accomplish these goals will we finally have claimed back our freedom.
The wonderful reality is that ALL Americans won and Donald J. Trump boldly and bravely led the charge. Thank you Donald J. Trump and all the other heroes who helped this woefully abused world escape imminent implosion.
There will be no more false left-right dichotomy. There will be no more structure in place constantly steamrolling you/us back into the tiny box of fear and lies we allowed ourselves to be imprisoned in. Goodbye MSM, Zuck, Jack, Bill, et al.
Consciousness will be free to expand without the crushing weight of darkness actively beating it back.
Life is about to change in wonderful ways most cannot imagine. Not just here in the USA, but across the globe this wave will travel. It should be a glorious, maybe bumpy ride, so strap in!
Some very ugly dark realities of the recent and not so recent past will come to light. We must all take responsibility for ensuring these things never happen again. We must protect the children. For these crimes I fully expect arrests and severe penalties.
Those who can must assist others in understanding what is happening and help guide them forward. Where we go one we go all!
All of this is precisely what needed to happen and in time we will get there.
Spread this to everyone you can if it rings true to you!
Are you a member of the KKK by any chnce?
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