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The Calm Before the Storm

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--- Quote from: 4 Caps on Thursday January 18, 2018, 07:54:05 PM Eastern ---Cite me one source that says the 3 stars on the D.C. flag stand for what you state or is this a product of your imagination.  Totally absurd.

--- End quote ---

Just do a search on NYT, WaPo, CNN, NBC, FOX, or some other mainstream media site.  I'm sure you'll find all of your reality there.   ;)

I guess since 4Caps says it does not exist then I might as well just quit here.    :P

All in fun, but I am serious about my posts.

I found this...

What ever amount of this is concrete, in the works, or smokescreens/sensationalism/propaganda is difficult if not impossible to determine or verify.  “Conspiracies” typically have and/or based on somthing true and real, then an amount that’s extrapolated on, both for and against them.

That being said, knowing what ArJ does for a living and where’s he worked, he has more access to getting this kind of info than most I know.

Either way, the first and biggest problem we have is us, the American people.  At the current state, we have to be the most self-important, righteously idealistic, media/party drivin, self victimized , victim parading, to make themselves look important and superior all for emotional and some cases finical payment to put them over 25k a year, are the biggest problem.  Closley followed by the media and other companies cashing in on them.

To be fair, the old school Christian Conservatives that seemingly want the bible to be the Constitution, the Tea Party that seemigly wanted government gone in favor of corporations, and the 1% that gave 99% of a finical kick in the nuts, all while saying how great capitalism is but make it all but impossible for competition to start or for people to easily afford common nessacities wherent great, I didn’t like em at the time, and still question there ideals and motives. (granted, these are extreme e

But this faux-communist self-centered lunatics with no concept of logic or responsibly that has infected one of the parties and now starting to effect the nation, is FAR more toxic to the ecomny and security than some 45 year old soccer mom with tea bags on her hat wanting to keep more of her husbands money. 

if someone on Fox News makes a comment like this every other media outlet covers it, but since this display of their IQ at the morning schmoe happens pretty much daily it doesn't get airplay elsewhere. from Thursday....

Mr Levin is usually spot on, today was no exception


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