Author Topic: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights  (Read 41720 times)

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Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« on: Wednesday September 04, 2019, 03:58:55 PM Eastern »
Lets start off with the hardest, most vicious, most brutal and most violent, aka The Greatest Hit of All Time.

Now ya never wanna see (all most) anyone get THIS hurt, but that ain’t no excuse not play the game the right way!  This is just bad ass, cold blooded, hardcore  Defense! 

Here’s another one with backstory and timeless quotes from The Assassin.

RIP Mr. Tatum

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #1 on: Thursday September 05, 2019, 01:05:56 PM Eastern »
I miss the days when the Redskins had a defense that ended the careers of two Dallas quarterbacks
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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #2 on: Friday September 06, 2019, 12:06:44 AM Eastern »
Well said Alta!
Sadly I don’t expect those days to return.

As DC acknowledged, the Tatums, and Lott’s of this world played true, hard-nosed football!
The dirtier side of it, I didn’t appreciate as much, and would support rules that continue to punish truly dirty hits!
But the killer instinct that came with it!.... THAT is what should be preserved, and also what is damn near extinct in today’s NFL!!

The NFL has managed to slowly permit the morphing of itself, from one of the most popular, exciting, competitive, team sports, that captured, and captivated the largest of American sports audiences, INTO a bland, half-assed, remnant of real American football, peppered with whining, crybaby, athletes, soft-acting, babysitter type coaches, and all approved by the ownership!!!

The “sports media” outlets, now have to spend millions, upon millions of dollars, attempting to convince its more well-seasoned audience, that the game they witness today, is still the football they’ve come to know and love.
It’s ALL a big lie now!!

WANT PROOF!!!.....

Look up video footage of guys with names like Dick Butkus, or Mike Singletary!
Compare that to nearly ANY of the NFL linebackers today!
It’s a frickin JOKE!


Just compare team photos from the early 1970’s, to any 2018 NFL team photo, and then you tell me, man for man, WHO you think can kick WHO’S ass???
The first thing you notice is how “photogenic”, and ready for a GQ magazine photo spread, practically every player appears, in the 2018 team photos!!!  BWAHAHAHA!!😂🤣🤣

Partially watched two Redskins games last year!
This year, proudly, will be ZERO!!


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Offline DC_1908

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #3 on: Friday September 06, 2019, 08:12:51 PM Eastern »
Well said Alta!
Sadly I don’t expect those days to return.

As DC acknowledged, the Tatums, and Lott’s of this world played true, hard-nosed football!
The dirtier side of it, I didn’t appreciate as much, and would support rules that continue to punish truly dirty hits!
But the killer instinct that came with it!.... THAT is what should be preserved, and also what is damn near extinct in today’s NFL!!

The NFL has managed to slowly permit the morphing of itself, from one of the most popular, exciting, competitive, team sports, that captured, and captivated the largest of American sports audiences, INTO a bland, half-assed, remnant of real American football, peppered with whining, crybaby, athletes, soft-acting, babysitter type coaches, and all approved by the ownership!!!

The “sports media” outlets, now have to spend millions, upon millions of dollars, attempting to convince its more well-seasoned audience, that the game they witness today, is still the football they’ve come to know and love.
It’s ALL a big lie now!!

WANT PROOF!!!.....

Look up video footage of guys with names like Dick Butkus, or Mike Singletary!
Compare that to nearly ANY of the NFL linebackers today!
It’s a frickin JOKE!


Just compare team photos from the early 1970’s, to any 2018 NFL team photo, and then you tell me, man for man, WHO you think can kick WHO’S ass???
The first thing you notice is how “photogenic”, and ready for a GQ magazine photo spread, practically every player appears, in the 2018 team photos!!!  BWAHAHAHA!!😂🤣🤣

Partially watched two Redskins games last year!
This year, proudly, will be ZERO!!

Ray Lewis was the last MLB, just waitin for the next to step up

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #4 on: Friday September 06, 2019, 08:17:20 PM Eastern »
Well said Alta!
Sadly I don’t expect those days to return.

As DC acknowledged, the Tatums, and Lott’s of this world played true, hard-nosed football!
The dirtier side of it, I didn’t appreciate as much, and would support rules that continue to punish truly dirty hits!
But the killer instinct that came with it!.... THAT is what should be preserved, and also what is damn near extinct in today’s NFL!!

The NFL has managed to slowly permit the morphing of itself, from one of the most popular, exciting, competitive, team sports, that captured, and captivated the largest of American sports audiences, INTO a bland, half-assed, remnant of real American football, peppered with whining, crybaby, athletes, soft-acting, babysitter type coaches, and all approved by the ownership!!!

The “sports media” outlets, now have to spend millions, upon millions of dollars, attempting to convince its more well-seasoned audience, that the game they witness today, is still the football they’ve come to know and love.
It’s ALL a big lie now!!

WANT PROOF!!!.....

Look up video footage of guys with names like Dick Butkus, or Mike Singletary!
Compare that to nearly ANY of the NFL linebackers today!
It’s a frickin JOKE!


Just compare team photos from the early 1970’s, to any 2018 NFL team photo, and then you tell me, man for man, WHO you think can kick WHO’S ass???
The first thing you notice is how “photogenic”, and ready for a GQ magazine photo spread, practically every player appears, in the 2018 team photos!!!  BWAHAHAHA!!😂🤣🤣

Partially watched two Redskins games last year!
This year, proudly, will be ZERO!!

“My dream was to hit someone so hard their helmet came off with their head in it”  —Dick Butkus
Damn right that quote was hanging in my football locker

Online richkrt99

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #5 on: Monday September 09, 2019, 03:32:29 PM Eastern »
I used to be a big skins fan, but generally don't watch football at all anymore.  I will occasionally turn a game on if I happen to be around and have some time to kill, but never plan to sit and watch a game.  The NFL in it's entirety, the attitude of the players, the Skins organization, and especially Dan Snyder's skins have made me a non fan.
My son was watching TV Sunday and was done and handed me the remote.  I switched to the Eagles/Skins game right at the half.  Skins were up 20-7.  I was shocked, but then watched the Eagles score on the opening drive of the second half, the Skins go 3 and out, Eagles score on next drive (in 4 plays I think....I really don't know cause I walked out of the room for literally a minute).  Then the skins go 3 and out.  I turned off the TV and thought....same ole' skins.  I'm really not a fair weather fan, but the Skins are just hard to watch.  Anytime the fans care more about the team and the game more than the players have a team not worth watching.  I used to sit and watch and rant and rave , and now...just don't care enough to do so.  My wife would ask me "why do you's just makes you mad?"  She's right.  It did.  And I don't anymore.
All the stupidity and selfishness many of these gifted athletes demonstrate have ruined the game.  I really feel badly for those very few players who truly do pour everything they have into the game, and are subject to the teammates of today.

I am not a Pats fan, but certainly respect their organization and what they have accomplished.  They have a well run outfit, that has a culture that does not tolerate alot of the BS that goes on everywhere else in the NFL.  I think I could be a Pats fan because of it (If I had any reason to bother)

And.... WTF Nationals?  Talk about blowing an opportunity.  Now I don't have time to spend 3 hours about 6x a week to watch baseball, but I am a Nats fan.  Pisses me off they can't man up when they need to.  I realize they have been on an incredible tear, but good Lord, just hand the penant to the freaking Braves.
Does anyone think the Nats will re-sign Rendon?  I'd love to see him back, but I think he want to go elsewhere. 

Hockey season can't get here soon enough.

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #6 on: Monday September 09, 2019, 07:20:20 PM Eastern »
Even though Skins generally hate hate him, hardly anyone will say he’s not the best OLB ever.


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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #7 on: Monday September 09, 2019, 11:49:14 PM Eastern »
I used to be a big skins fan, but generally don't watch football at all anymore.  I will occasionally turn a game on if I happen to be around and have some time to kill, but never plan to sit and watch a game.  The NFL in it's entirety, the attitude of the players, the Skins organization, and especially Dan Snyder's skins have made me a non fan.
My son was watching TV Sunday and was done and handed me the remote.  I switched to the Eagles/Skins game right at the half.  Skins were up 20-7.  I was shocked, but then watched the Eagles score on the opening drive of the second half, the Skins go 3 and out, Eagles score on next drive (in 4 plays I think....I really don't know cause I walked out of the room for literally a minute).  Then the skins go 3 and out.  I turned off the TV and thought....same ole' skins.  I'm really not a fair weather fan, but the Skins are just hard to watch.  Anytime the fans care more about the team and the game more than the players have a team not worth watching.  I used to sit and watch and rant and rave , and now...just don't care enough to do so.  My wife would ask me "why do you's just makes you mad?"  She's right.  It did.  And I don't anymore.
All the stupidity and selfishness many of these gifted athletes demonstrate have ruined the game.  I really feel badly for those very few players who truly do pour everything they have into the game, and are subject to the teammates of today.

I am not a Pats fan, but certainly respect their organization and what they have accomplished.  They have a well run outfit, that has a culture that does not tolerate alot of the BS that goes on everywhere else in the NFL.  I think I could be a Pats fan because of it (If I had any reason to bother)

And.... WTF Nationals?  Talk about blowing an opportunity.  Now I don't have time to spend 3 hours about 6x a week to watch baseball, but I am a Nats fan.  Pisses me off they can't man up when they need to.  I realize they have been on an incredible tear, but good Lord, just hand the penant to the freaking Braves.
Does anyone think the Nats will re-sign Rendon?  I'd love to see him back, but I think he want to go elsewhere. 

Hockey season can't get here soon enough.

Hey Rich!
Reading your post on the Skins, and NFL in general, helps me to square, and soothe, my frustration with the whole damn NFL thing! (Mentioned in my prior, middle-finger waving, post about today’s NFL),LOL!

Specifically, you mentioned your sympathy for those rare, NFL players, in today’s game, that still CHOOSE to play their hearts out, amongst the obvious, majority of other players, who would rather opt to play at varying levels of lesser enthusiasm and attitude.

I failed to mention these selfless, young athletes of high character, in my post! It’s easy to forget they exist out there. They should be praised!!  So, thanks for that, Rich!

Worthy of mention, INDEED!! These strong-minded youngsters, that reach from deep within themselves, to stand firm against the more popular standard of “lesser integrity” conduct, that is so cleverly orchestrated by our lovely media, for their “lesser-asking” audience!

Hard, for me, to wanna be a part of all that!... NOW, IM NOT!!😂🤣😂

Thanks Rich, good one!!


Always hopeful, yet discontent -
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              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #8 on: Tuesday September 10, 2019, 08:53:32 AM Eastern »
And of course, The Captain
(Number 7 is bullshit though)

Offline alta

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday September 10, 2019, 04:00:44 PM Eastern »
“My dream was to hit someone so hard their helmet came off with their head in it”  —Dick Butkus
Damn right that quote was hanging in my football locker

I remember seeing an interview years ago where he said he loses a couple pair of contacts each game because he didn’t close his eyes when he hit someone...

Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #10 on: Tuesday September 10, 2019, 07:55:02 PM Eastern »
Da Skinz!  :sick: :poop:  Guice out with the other knee hurt! Wonderful!! Allen out with a knee.. Double wonderful!!  :-\

Offline alta

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday September 11, 2019, 01:29:08 PM Eastern »
Da Skinz!  :sick: :poop:  Guice out with the other knee hurt! Wonderful!! Allen out with a knee.. Double wonderful!!  :-\

is it still preseason??
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday September 11, 2019, 03:19:00 PM Eastern »
Like him or nor, he’s greatest coach off all time, in any sport.

Online richkrt99

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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #13 on: Thursday September 12, 2019, 03:54:31 PM Eastern »
Great L.T. video.  He was one bad Mofo.  He was just better than everyone else and dominated at his position.  So freaky fast.  Fun to watch.
He was the real deal and I would have dreaded to play against him - he just made everyone look slower and weaker.  He dominated those he lined up against.

makes me sick now when you see a defensive guy make just a regular old tackle and then get up and pose (like he friggin DID something)

I recall a story from wayback after L.T. retired - he was picking someone up at an airport and the guy behind him kept honking and such and it evolved into a confrontation where the guy grabbed his tire iron and went at L.T.  Haha - big mistake.  He swung it at him and L.T. just took it away from him.  guy probably pissed his pants at that point.  I'm sure some of that is inaccurate but that's the story I recall.


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Re: Are Ya Ready?! Football,real football, Highlights
« Reply #14 on: Friday November 15, 2019, 03:50:19 PM Eastern »
Looks like a The Squeelers have their own Cindy 🤣.    This is funny as hell!!!