
Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking/Disliking a post

Yes - it makes it too much trouble to "Like" a post.
No - I like it the way it is

Author Topic: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post  (Read 94499 times)

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #20 on: Saturday January 13, 2018, 01:46:00 PM Eastern »
If it’s an easy change,. . .or just make it optional
That’s a cool idea, worth considering! Anonymous liking of a post can be an OPTION!
Truly, though guys, and especially you AJ.  I really hope my last post on the matter didn’t come off to negative! It wasn’t meant that way if so. The “likes” stuff is a minuscule matter of importance to me, personally, so I would say my comments on it, should really be viewed with much less weight, than those who are more into that part of it.
Thanks guys, I’m good with whatever you decide


No problem with your comments Rush.  Input is a good thing.

Regarding making anonymous Likes an option.  This is too much work.  I also don't see that people will use the like system as much if there is any more than a single click required.  Even the explanation requirement, where all you had to do was type something like "cool man", seemed to dramatically reduce the number of likes we used to see on the old site. I'm talking like a 99% drop.  Now that it's a single click and done again it is already being used a lot more.
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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #21 on: Sunday January 14, 2018, 12:20:31 AM Eastern »
If it’s an easy change,. . .or just make it optional
That’s a cool idea, worth considering! Anonymous liking of a post can be an OPTION!
Truly, though guys, and especially you AJ.  I really hope my last post on the matter didn’t come off to negative! It wasn’t meant that way if so. The “likes” stuff is a minuscule matter of importance to me, personally, so I would say my comments on it, should really be viewed with much less weight, than those who are more into that part of it.
Thanks guys, I’m good with whatever you decide


No problem with your comments Rush.  Input is a good thing.

Regarding making anonymous Likes an option.  This is too much work.  I also don't see that people will use the like system as much if there is any more than a single click required.  Even the explanation requirement, where all you had to do was type something like "cool man", seemed to dramatically reduce the number of likes we used to see on the old site. I'm talking like a 99% drop.  Now that it's a single click and done again it is already being used a lot more.

That’s cool AJ. Appreciate the hard work!👍
So are the likes now anonymous? If not, is it possible to keep the like anonymous, except to the person you gave the like too?
I agree that whoever receives a like would like to know who sent it, that’s reasonable, AND the fact that it would be anonymous to all others, I also would favor!
My position would be that, given the sometimes “heavier opposing opinions”, that occur from time to time, there have been instances, that I believe, ALL or MOST of us have experienced, where although we didn’t want to post our opinion, or we judged it not worth debating the subject, we can then CHOOSE NOT to enter into the discussion, but can “like” a post to throw a small amount of support to one of the other members! We then don’t have to defend something,  that we thought not worthy enough to want to participate in, in the first place!!
If the like was non-anonymous, it would potentially open the door for any member on the opposite side of the matter, to post and question why someone liked a post that opposed THEIR view, obligating then, the member who simply wanted to like a post, to have to either ignore, justify, or comment, to a matter, that he/she didn’t want to talk about in the first place!  Way too much potential drama, for one simple like of a post!
A member who gives a “like”,  to a like minded member, should not have to concern themselves with another member who has an opposing view, IF,  he/she wants to reserve the right to not want to “enter the fricasse”, of a subject!

Again AJ, I have no clue if this is possible, or if it’s too much work! Just my opinion!


Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #22 on: Sunday January 14, 2018, 02:24:45 AM Eastern »
Hey Rush,
As I said in a post above, the reaction when the Likes became anonymous on the old site was overwhelmingly negative.  Since I removed the dislike post option I don't see anyone getting dissed by the system as it is now. Likes just add additional means of communication by saying "Hey, I liked or agree with that post."

I ask that others who used the old system to chime in here and give their views.  I personally found it annoying that we lost that added communication of knowing who liked your post.
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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #23 on: Sunday January 14, 2018, 11:33:56 PM Eastern »
Hey Rush,
As I said in a post above, the reaction when the Likes became anonymous on the old site was overwhelmingly negative.  Since I removed the dislike post option I don't see anyone getting dissed by the system as it is now. Likes just add additional means of communication by saying "Hey, I liked or agree with that post."

I ask that others who used the old system to chime in here and give their views.  I personally found it annoying that we lost that added communication of knowing who liked your post.

Thanks for clearing that up, AJ.
When, at anytime, someone chooses to post, it’s understood that they accept the fact that they are opening their opinion to all on the board, and thusly any comments that follow! Fair enough!
I don’t feel that simply wanting to send a “like” to a post, should have to bear the same potential open exposure for comments from others, that have had NOTHING to do with whether or not you liked a post!
Members here already open themselves up by posting, and I tend to believe, that for myself and some others, who may be reluctantly uncomfortable with social media, generally, would appreciate not having to expose themselves for a simple “like”!
I’m not a newbie anymore, but most certainly not a veteran poster either, however, when I became a member last year, likes WERE anonymous, and having been quite active on the old board, the anonymity didn’t seem to stop people from liking posts at all!
I both gave and received a high number of likes, to and from many different posters! It was fun, comfortable, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, SIMPLE and EASY!   I hit the like button, and could forget about it!!  I didn’t have to be concerned over how a completly UNINVOLVED party may want to react!!

I’m glad you’ve asked the members, AJ, very fair of you!!  I’ll gladly accept whatever happens! But I will miss throwing out likes, if they remain public, as that goes past my comfort level for privacy. It’s probably my old school cynical side coming out!  LOL



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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #24 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 01:16:33 AM Eastern »
Hey Rush,
As I said in a post above, the reaction when the Likes became anonymous on the old site was overwhelmingly negative.  Since I removed the dislike post option I don't see anyone getting dissed by the system as it is now. Likes just add additional means of communication by saying "Hey, I liked or agree with that post."

I ask that others who used the old system to chime in here and give their views.  I personally found it annoying that we lost that added communication of knowing who liked your post.

Hey AJ
I’ve had another 24 hrs to think about my position on the “anonymous like” issue!
To be honest, after reading a few more posts, and seeing how the likes are handled by many other members, whom I’ve come to respect, yourself included, I’m realizing that I simply haven’t kept up with the norms of social media, to this point!
Sometimes we older-school folks, have to “peep out of the rabbit hole”, of cynicism, that we’ve dug for ourselves, as the world takes greater leaps and bounds, than we can keep up with.
Humbly, I say, this is one of those times! But I’ll also say that I always feel better afterward, when I’ve learned something, or gained some knowledge that I didn’t have before.
This like stuff, means more to folks than I’ve realized. It’s got a unique breath of life in it, for many here, especially those with more history with each other. This can only be a positive, that I didn’t really take notice of,  until the last few days!
Therefore I’m just stating in this PM to you, that I’m not against the public display of who likes who’s post, anymore. (To be honest, AJ, my other opinion may have been a little selfish)! Thanks for the patience on this matter!  Im all good!


Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #25 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 01:28:58 AM Eastern »

Hey AJ
I’ve had another 24 hrs to think about my position on the “anonymous like” issue!
To be honest, after reading a few more posts, and seeing how the likes are handled by many other members, whom I’ve come to respect, yourself included, I’m realizing that I simply haven’t kept up with the norms of social media, to this point!
Sometimes we older-school folks, have to “peep out of the rabbit hole”, of cynicism, that we’ve dug for ourselves, as the world takes greater leaps and bounds, than we can keep up with.
Humbly, I say, this is one of those times! But I’ll also say that I always feel better afterward, when I’ve learned something, or gained some knowledge that I didn’t have before.
This like stuff, means more to folks than I’ve realized. It’s got a unique breath of life in it, for many here, especially those with more history with each other. This can only be a positive, that I didn’t really take notice of,  until the last few days!
Therefore I’m just stating in this PM to you, that I’m not against the public display of who likes who’s post, anymore. (To be honest, AJ, my other opinion may have been a little selfish)! Thanks for the patience on this matter!  Im all good!


Hi Rush,
I was expecting you would come to see it that way.  I did not expect you to do so as quickly as you have.  For sure most people like the way we have it setup now.  It is now pretty much how it worked a couple years ago on the old site.  At some point I'd like to maybe fuss with the code so it displays who liked your post right in the post that was liked. Not happening anytime soon though.
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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #26 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 02:48:01 AM Eastern »

Hey AJ
I’ve had another 24 hrs to think about my position on the “anonymous like” issue!
To be honest, after reading a few more posts, and seeing how the likes are handled by many other members, whom I’ve come to respect, yourself included, I’m realizing that I simply haven’t kept up with the norms of social media, to this point!
Sometimes we older-school folks, have to “peep out of the rabbit hole”, of cynicism, that we’ve dug for ourselves, as the world takes greater leaps and bounds, than we can keep up with.
Humbly, I say, this is one of those times! But I’ll also say that I always feel better afterward, when I’ve learned something, or gained some knowledge that I didn’t have before.
This like stuff, means more to folks than I’ve realized. It’s got a unique breath of life in it, for many here, especially those with more history with each other. This can only be a positive, that I didn’t really take notice of,  until the last few days!
Therefore I’m just stating in this PM to you, that I’m not against the public display of who likes who’s post, anymore. (To be honest, AJ, my other opinion may have been a little selfish)! Thanks for the patience on this matter!  Im all good!


Hey Rush.

Nobody is going to "diss you" for posting a "like" on here.
You know I've had issues with Maaco before, but I gave him a "like" just recently, because I totally agreed with a post he made.  No more, no less.  I absolutely don't have a problem with him knowing about it.  Why should I?  I liked that post.  No more, no less.

Nobody is here to hurt you, or anyone else.  We're all Caps fans, from all over the world.  We're all individual people with individual opinions and thoughts and that's the whole point of discussion boards like this.
There will be altercations and disagreements, even verbal fisticuffs and downright slander, but we are a Caps family and as disfunctional as we are - much like our team - we will persevere.  Even the best of friends have the odd spat.

There really is no conspiracy.  We really are just a bunch of Caps fans. :angel:

You know you didn't send that as a PM, right? :P
For the record - there are people here who will solemnly state that you are not as technologically disadvantaged - or in my case retarded, as me.
I am

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 03:18:18 PM Eastern »

For the record - there are people here who will solemnly state that you are not as technologically disadvantaged - or in my case retarded, as me.

 :lol:   LOL, I'll second that   ::) :P :hearts:   

Believe me, I know a lot of people like that, including my wife, and she has two masters degrees from Harvard.  We all have our strengths and weaknesses.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.


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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 07:28:46 PM Eastern »

Hey Rush.

Nobody is going to "diss you" for posting a "like" on here.
You know I've had issues with Maaco before, but I gave him a "like" just recently, because I totally agreed with a post he made.  No more, no less.  I absolutely don't have a problem with him knowing about it.  Why should I?  I liked that post.  No more, no less.

Nobody is here to hurt you, or anyone else.  We're all Caps fans, from all over the world.  We're all individual people with individual opinions and thoughts and that's the whole point of discussion boards like this.
There will be altercations and disagreements, even verbal fisticuffs and downright slander, but we are a Caps family and as disfunctional as we are - much like our team - we will persevere.  Even the best of friends have the odd spat.

There really is no conspiracy.  We really are just a bunch of Caps fans. :angel:

You know you didn't send that as a PM, right? :P
For the record - there are people here who will solemnly state that you are not as technologically disadvantaged - or in my case retarded, as me.
    Excellent post. I couldn't agree more. We aren't here to diss anyone. The creation of this site may have been a blessing in disguise. Its like a brand new start. You guys are doing ba great job with the site.


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Re: Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday January 16, 2018, 11:16:30 PM Eastern »
Hey guys!

Hey Lily!
Lily, I appreciate the warm and comforting tone of your response to my post. I want you to know that I realize it’s with kind intent, and coming from a good place, and DO APPRECIATE IT!

But my position on wanting the “likes” anonymous, is not because I think I’ll be “dissed”, or that someone is going to hurt my feelings. I’m a big boy, and can guarantee that anytime, when I elect to speak, share, or otherwise converse with others, either on this board, or for that matter, in all areas of life, I speak with confidence, but also with a regard for openness, to others! Those of us who have crossed the 50 year plateau, in age, the majority of us are fairly solid in our opinions, have had years of observation and experience in the social realm. I’m sure you already know what I mean.
So, let me help clarify what I meant, FWIW, and then we’ll flip the page and move on.

I absolutely believe in my position for anonymous likes, the only difference is that I’ve realized that within the atmosphere of a modern social forum/board, my position is old, antiquated, AND more importantly, in the MINORITY. So I’m the one who must yield, as these boards were here, way before I ever came along, and the “public likes” are popular for the MAJORITY! I simply “saw the light”, by saying to myself, “who am I, to come and continue to try and debate a change to this already accepted practice, by those who are way more experienced in the social media realm”!!
There is way too much positive that I get out of this hockey forum, on balance, than the negative tic I get over the “likes” issue. I’ve simply made a conscious decision about it, to let the issue go, (and no, I’m not that happy about it, but no biggie), as I’ve learned that in THIS forum arena, it’s what most want, which makes it a BETTER PLACE for ALL!
Additionally, Both you and Maaco, have agreed and recognized the better atmosphere on the forum! I applaud you both, and the originators of this new board, for its much-improved overall tone!! You, Lily, and Maaco, agreeing on this point, is all the PROOF this board should need!!!LMFAO😂😂

Again, I’m all good, and happy as a clam to be here! We should all have full confidence in the dedication, our mods have, to making, and keeping this site a GREAT PLACE!!!
