Author Topic: GDT#R1G1 Hurricanes @ Capitals 7:30pm Thu Apr 11, 2019 NBCSWA, MSG+  (Read 27182 times)

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Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: GDT#R1G1 Hurricanes @ Capitals 7:30pm Thu Apr 11, 2019 NBCSWA, MSG+
« Reply #120 on: Friday April 12, 2019, 08:38:22 PM Eastern »

Are you by chance saving these games again, like you did last season?

I have not checked into it yet. I downloaded them from torrents last year and then created an easy way for anyone to do the same. I did not get started until round 2 or 3 last year and managed to find them all. If and When I do post it again (depending on how far we go) you will have to jump on it before they are all gone or extremely difficult, or even impossible to get.

I just found R1G1 here. You'll need to create an account to get in.

I DOWNLOADED R1G1 in just 10 minutes. The one at the first like has yet to start, but it may come in handy later.
Here's another  place to get them. Needs easy registration also.

Attached is a .torrent file to use with your favorite torrent downloader. I recommend utorrent.

For those not familiar, Install something like Utorrent, then OPEN this torrent file with Utorrent. It will download to wherever you tell it to.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.


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Re: GDT#R1G1 Hurricanes @ Capitals 7:30pm Thu Apr 11, 2019 NBCSWA, MSG+
« Reply #121 on: Friday April 12, 2019, 10:44:06 PM Eastern »
I think I just saw Rush, currently behind Mrazek's goal a handful of rows back and to the right.

That’s about where I am AJ!  The end where Caps attack twice!!
I sit behind opponents goal, (Mrazek, tonite), for 1st and 3rd periods, about 4 or 5 rows down from the top of 105, lower level!! Had my Kempny jersey on, in support for the guy!!

Crowd energy was AWESOME tonight!

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Offline DC_1908

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Re: GDT#R1G1 Hurricanes @ Capitals 7:30pm Thu Apr 11, 2019 NBCSWA, MSG+
« Reply #122 on: Saturday April 13, 2019, 10:49:57 AM Eastern »

Not sure I want to know DC's definition of a "mild" hangover  :lmao:

Let's play multiple choice;  DC's "Mild" hangover:

a)  A hangover resulting from imbibing a not quite adequate amount of alcohol in one or many forms, resulting in a headache the next day
b)  A hangover resulting form imbibing multiple alcoholic beverage to an extent you are still semi-conscious, and do not pass out (for very long)
c)  A hangover resulting from imbibing multiple alcoholic beverages, are totally shitfaced, can't walk or talk or type, passed out, but woke up somewhere, but not in jail; hence "mild"
d)  still breathing the next day, although wish you weren't
e)  all of the above

🤣 Well. . . Just a & b 🤘.  C & D usually require moonshine 😁