Author Topic: STH Talk  (Read 2177 times)

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Offline Derek

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STH Talk
« on: Monday April 01, 2019, 04:09:06 PM Eastern »
I couldn't find a forum anywhere on the net with anyone that has STH questions/comments/concerns.
This forum appears to be the most used forum. So, I thought I'd see if an STH topic is of use??I typically have questions and topics of discussion around renewal time, but that time has passed. Especially about seeing if anyone wants to get in on our group or purchase our 6 seats, at cost, to a few of next years games, etc.

Now, my current question, and reason for joining, is the Capital One Renewal gift for the 2018-2019 season.
I just can't believe there is no talk of this nor anything in the Capitals Newsletters. We have less than a week of regular season hockey left.

So, I'm not sure if it's my rep or if the franchise truly has no clue. I asked my rep about it in January and she said she hasn't heard anything. I asked again today and I got: "No word yet!"  Quick and to the point I suppose.  ::)

Offline ArJunaZ

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Re: STH Talk
« Reply #1 on: Monday April 01, 2019, 06:25:23 PM Eastern »
Again, welcome to the forum.
We have a fair number of STH here, so you'll find information and knowledge to share. I know some are irritated with the price hikes and are looking to mitigate the cost or dumping their ST altogether.

Please join in our other discussions. We have an active GDT every game.

Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.