Author Topic: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`  (Read 14831 times)

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Offline Surreylily

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #60 on: Saturday March 23, 2019, 10:13:14 PM Eastern »
:rofl:  That's awesome! Holtby don't know what the fuck he's talking about.. Should stick to stopping hockey pucks!!  :uh-huh:
How fuckingbloody dare you.
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Offline Mickstix

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #61 on: Saturday March 23, 2019, 11:09:19 PM Eastern »

Offline Surreylily

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #62 on: Saturday March 23, 2019, 11:39:38 PM Eastern »
Bang out of order   >:(
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Offline Mickstix

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #63 on: Sunday March 24, 2019, 09:13:34 AM Eastern »
 :yawn: :uh-huh: :snicker:

Offline Beaglefan2

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #64 on: Sunday March 24, 2019, 09:51:57 PM Eastern »

LOL, thanks Beags!
I’ve been waiting to pull the trigger on this for several years now, but hung in there instead, and I’m glad I did. Also glad to be leaving the thing, as is!
You make a good point, that I can always catch a game, here and there.

It’s funny that you mentioned your experience with the tickets rep, when you cancelled. I had used the words “your kind rep”, in my post!  I should have alluded to it being extremely sarcastic in nature!!
He was very good during my time, but very cold shouldered and negative, when I cancelled!!


Rush - my guy asked me why I was cancelling and I asked him if he really wanted to know. I then gave him three reasons: 1) They had increased the ticket prices every year even though the team had underperformed in the playoffs, 2) that the GM had made terrible moves at the trade deadline including the Forsberg-Erat and Shattenkirk debacles, and 3) the Caps were peaking and heading into a slow decline as Ovi and Backstrom aged with big contracts.  He then got very cold and said "well you know if you cancel you tickets you will go to the back of the line in the future".

It was shocking to me that I got that treatment after 10 years of giving them a bunch of money.  I thought he would say nice things and try and do whatever he could to keep me. Instead, it was the slamming of a door in my face.  I don't know how they train young people, but this was no way to run a business.

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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #65 on: Sunday March 24, 2019, 10:34:25 PM Eastern »
I can tell you that when I let my rep know that I was not renewing for next season, the rep thanked me for my years of support and was very gracious about the whole thing.


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Re: GDT#75 Wild @ Capitals 7:00pm Fri Mar 22, 2019 NBCSWA, NHLN, TVAS, FS-N`
« Reply #66 on: Monday March 25, 2019, 02:14:01 AM Eastern »
My first rep gave good respectable service. This was when I was up in Section 408.
It’s here that I must mention that Monumental does, however, have a practice of generally NOT allowing a season ticket holder to upgrade his seats at renewal time, (March 15th or so, every year).

They only allow a season ticket holder, (STH), to upgrade his seats, at a special “seat swap” event, every summer. The idea is they want to be able to offer nicer seats to NEW BUYERS. The same tix that come from STH folks who have cancelled at March 15th, deadline! Those juicy tickets are only made available to NEW Buyers. They are bought up quickly BEFORE the summertime “seat swap”, that the STH’s are forced to wait for!  And the pickin’s, then,  are not that good!!!

This means a Newbie can get his hands on better season ticket seats, than any of the OLD season ticket holders. This is one of the biggest issues I have, as it means they treat a New buyer, better than their PROVEN, RELIABLE, and LOYAL, STH’s !!   It’s ass-backwards marketing to me!!

Here’s the real kicker! When I was in 408, with 3 seats, (approx $5K/year), I wanted to BUY better seats in Sec. 105, (approx. $10K/year)!!......THEY REFUSED, even under threat of my cancellation of my 408 season tix!!

THIS REP was quite gracious, and said he regretted my cancellation, there was nothing he could do, and thanked me.  I cancelled that day, in March of 2016, for renewal, but also asked my rep if he would have his Mgr. call me. The rep said that his boss was already planning on calling me in about an hour! I said ok.
I got the call, and it was extremely negative-toned, from the start. This guy tried starting a “fear of loss” vibe, with me, right off the bat!

I quickly “readjusted”, both HIM, and the tone of the talk, as well, and he piped down! (I was livid at this point), but kept my cool.....FINALLY, after feeling like I’d been in a conversation at the closing desk in a used car salesman’s offfice, the Mgr. offered me the seats in sec 105!

I hopped on it, in spite of that SOB, was given a different rep, who was also decent UNTIL I cancelled this year!
Love the Caps, but the Sales and marketing dept, leaves precious little to like, IMO, and also has VERY HIGH turnover rate!
To be fair, I’ve also heard some glowing comments, from some friends about their rep. So, most likely, it depends on who your rep is.
My rep experiences have been 50-50! Should have been MUCH better for the money, IMO!
No regrets though. at all, in the larger view of things!!

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”