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Should we eliminate the need to add an Explanation when Liking a post

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We're not getting a lot of action with the current configuration of the Like/Dislike Post feature. We used it far more on the old site. I think this is due to the requirement to enter an explanation.  This poll is asking if we should just ditch the explanation and let the Like/Dislike be a quick click.

I'll run the poll for a week or until the result becomes clear.

You can change your vote if you like.


My opinion, the like dislike doesn't get used like the old place because it doesn't appear you are "liking" a post, just the member in general. I think this has more to do with it than the explanation part.


--- Quote from: altajava on Thursday January 11, 2018, 09:47:23 PM Eastern ---My opinion, the like dislike doesn't get used like the old place because it doesn't appear you are "liking" a post, just the member in general. I think this has more to do with it than the explanation part.

--- End quote ---

I just changed it so it is more clear.  I liked the thumbs up/down with the mouseover text clearly saying you are rating the post, but the text version I just switched to might be better.   What you think?

it may help, I think location has to do with it too. The old place it was in the post so it was obvious, the "post was liked" text helped too. but it doesn't look like this board can be set up that way. This style board is set up for member karma, which isn't a bad thing, unless you've got no experience on those types of boards,

   I just like the thumbs up. Dont need an explanation for liking a post. I dont think the thumbs down is even necessary. It would have to be a pretty terrible post to earn a thumbs down. I'll never use it.


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