Author Topic: Ovechkin Vs. Crybaby Cindy  (Read 5085 times)

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Ovechkin Vs. Crybaby Cindy
« on: Sunday January 27, 2019, 02:40:10 PM Eastern »
I know this debate has been beaten to death, especially earlier on in their careers. But nowadays it seems like the comparisons have become less frequent as they've gotten up there in age and new superstars are entering the spotlight

Wanted to get your guys' opinions on who's better on an individual level (putting aside team achievements).

As a huge Ovechkin fan and Caps fan, I have to say that I think objectively Crosby is clearly the better 200 foot player. He has more of an impact on all areas of the ice than Ovechkin, and Crosby has the effect of making his linemates better, moreso than Ovechkin. Put Crosby on a line with two scrubs and he'll get those scrubs to score like Top 6 forwards. Put Ovechkin on a line with them though, and it would probably be a disaster. However, I think a lot of this has to do with position, with a Center just having more overall responsibilities than a Winger.

On the other hand, I would say that while a guy like Crosby has more of an impact in more areas of the game, Ovechkin is more valuable to his team. I don't think an Ovechkin-less Capitals team wins nearly as much as a Crosby-less Penguins team. I think a guy like Malkin can fill in admirably for Crosby, whereas I don't think anyone on the Capitals can fill the hole Ovechkin would leave.

My final thought though (and one that I feel like tips things in favor of Ovechkin), is that at age 33, Ovechkin is still talked about as the best pure goal scorer in NHL history. Crosby is not the best anything in NHL history, and he probably isn't the best anything currently, with a guy like McDavid around. I think McDavid is better now than Crosby and I think guys like Gretzky were better historically than Crosby at being strong all-round Centers with insane playmaking skills and scoring ability to boot. I don't think anyone past or present can match Ovechkin as a goal scorer. I think what we are seeing with Ovechkin is more rare than what we've seen with Crosby.
« Last Edit: Wednesday January 30, 2019, 08:03:53 AM Eastern by DC_1908 »

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #1 on: Sunday January 27, 2019, 08:26:31 PM Eastern »
I agree that Ovechkin is the best goal scorer currently and maybe of all time.  However, for the reasons you stated I think Crosby is the better all around player.  If you were an expansion team 5 years ago when Ovi and Crosby were in their prime and you could select one of them who would you take.  I think you have to take Crosby. 

Offline chas

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #2 on: Sunday January 27, 2019, 09:48:59 PM Eastern »
Ovechkin is the more physical and durable player. This is perhaps less valuable in the current NHL. Five or ten years ago this was more important during the regular season. It currently still matters when you get to the playoffs.
I have to guess that Ovechkin is a better leader. Simply because he has had to deal with far more than Crosby. How long have the Caps been on the outside looking in? Perhaps the only constant on the team is Ovechkin himself (and the ownership I suppose).

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #3 on: Sunday January 27, 2019, 10:09:38 PM Eastern »
I agree that Ovechkin is the best goal scorer currently and maybe of all time.  However, for the reasons you stated I think Crosby is the better all around player.  If you were an expansion team 5 years ago when Ovi and Crosby were in their prime and you could select one of them who would you take.  I think you have to take Crosby.

I probably would too, from the standpoint of picking one player to build a team around. With Crosby I'd feel comfortable playing him with mid-level players and he'd figure out how to get things done. With Ovechkin I wouldn't feel great without an elite Center feeding him and another player to dig out pucks for him, since I'd want Ovi in shooting position all the time.

That said, what Ovechkin does best is more difficult than what Crosby does best. A lot of people might point to Crosby's superior point per game pace, but scoring is simply more difficult (plus two assists for every goal means a playermaker should have more points than a goal scorer). As a playmaker you just have to find an open man among the other 4 guys on the ice with you. As a goal scorer, everyone knows where you are and what you're capable of. To still be able to score despite what other teams are doing to defend against you is an impressive feat.

It's more common to find a player of Crosby's skillset than it is to find one of Ovechkin's. McDavid is already better than Crosby. But Ovechkin's closest competition, Patrik Laine, is too inconsistent right now. And none of the other top goal scorers this year are perennial threats for the Rocket - they just have the occasional "career year." Ovechkin has won the Rocket 7 times as leading goal scorer. His only losses were when he had abnormally "down" years, and that one year where he lost by one goal but also played 10 less games than everyone else. No one else has won the goal scoring lead more than twice in the past two decades. Meanwhile, the Art Ross, which probably favors a player who can rack up points via assists, has been won twice by four players in the past 2 decades (including Crosby).

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather have Crosby skating around all over the ice making an impact and playing a 200 foot game. I don't particularly trust Ovechkin to defend/backcheck, or carry the puck in (he'll try some overused deke and lose it), or battle along the boards. But Ovechkin dominates in his field moreso than Crosby does in his field. Nobody scores like Ovechkin, and of the guys who are close, none bring half the physicality Ovechkin does. But I could name a handful of Crosby comparables.

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #4 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 09:40:31 AM Eastern »
Crosby = fag
Ovie = not a fag

I mean for fucksake people,how the fuck is anyone not sick of this stupid marketing scam yet???  Hell it had been established that Ovie was the better from the start anyway! 

In fact. the only ones who said it otherwise receive checks from NBC or TSN, and the only  who believed it are Hens fans, and/or the gullible.

200ft player?? Well ones a center, the others a wing in a pond hockey system, there is no way that is even remotely a justifiable, nor supportable argument in the least.

Cindy is just marketing, which makes the most pedestrian of accomplishments as just validating the illusion marketing creates, as seen in thread and the 1000s silly ones before this one. 

All of it just shows comparing Cindy to Ovechkin is a dramatic NHL Marketing scheme, to make Cindy look better than he is

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #5 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 11:37:24 AM Eastern »
There's far more to it than being a good 200' foot player. There is integrity, and OV has that hands down. The NHL has made three rules directly because of OV and Crosby. The two because of OV are no mirrored face shields, so everyone can see the players eyes, and keeping the back of the jersey on the outside of the butt pad. The rule made specifically because of Crosby is the embellishment rule, which Crosby has been doing since juniors and ironically never gets called on him. I also love listening to the OV haters that call him a puck hog because of his goals, at the same time ignoring how many assists he has.
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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #6 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 12:34:37 PM Eastern »
Crosby = fag
Ovie = not a fag

I mean.. Nuff said!  :snicker:

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #7 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 12:55:12 PM Eastern »
I also love listening to the OV haters that call him a puck hog because of his goals, at the same time ignoring how many assists he has.
They also complain that he takes too many shots. You always miss the shots you don't take. That's one of the problems with the current team. Too much handling leading to turnovers.

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #8 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 04:36:35 PM Eastern »

I mean.. Nuff said!  :snicker:
Hey, I’m just being objective

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #9 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 07:16:45 PM Eastern »
I think Cindy is the all around better player.  Ovi is hands down the better goal scorer.
Who would I rather have on my team?  OVI hands down.  I mean if Crosby were on "my team" (from a fan's perspective) I'd have to watch his crybaby whining diving faggot play all the damn time.  Might as well give up hockey.  I don't even like when he draws a legit penalty cause he is such a diving fagboy most of the time.  And for God's sake, QUIT IT with the fucking adolescent attempt at growing a beard or mustache.  You are simply NOT MAN ENOUGH.  You never will be, so just quit it.  Your fucking playoff beard is a fucking disgrace to the entire Stanley Cup playoffs,  and looks like an attempt at a gay porn mustache (well, least that's what DC Maaco says it looks like....I uh, wouldn't know)

How about this one?  Which player would you rather BE?

HAHAHAHAHAHAH.  Any of you mother scratchers say Crosby and you are a douchebag lover.

had to go back and fix the first line...


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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #10 on: Monday January 28, 2019, 10:59:08 PM Eastern »
They also complain that he takes too many shots. You always miss the shots you don't take. That's one of the problems with the current team. Too much handling leading to turnovers.

they are definately playing with their sticks too much
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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #11 on: Tuesday January 29, 2019, 11:39:01 AM Eastern »

How about this one?  Which player would you rather BE?

Bob Probert.


Offline richkrt99

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #12 on: Tuesday January 29, 2019, 09:09:19 PM Eastern »
Can one of you techie computer folks fix the title of this fucking thread so I don't have to see C R O S B Y every fucking time I log onto this site?

Just change it to Crybaby or Fagboy or Porn-stache or something so I don't want to throw up every freaking time I log on. I mean for crying out loud the fucking guy gets enough press and headlines as it is.  Can we NOT have him "entitled" on our boards?

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crybaby Crosby
« Reply #13 on: Tuesday January 29, 2019, 10:42:18 PM Eastern »
lol you guys

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #14 on: Wednesday January 30, 2019, 08:04:26 AM Eastern »
Can one of you techie computer folks fix the title of this fucking thread so I don't have to see C R O S B Y every fucking time I log onto this site?

Just change it to Crybaby or Fagboy or Porn-stache or something so I don't want to throw up every freaking time I log on. I mean for crying out loud the fucking guy gets enough press and headlines as it is.  Can we NOT have him "entitled" on our boards?
Is that better? 😁

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crosby
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday January 30, 2019, 01:09:36 PM Eastern »

Offline zerofox

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Re: Ovechkin Vs. Crybaby Cindy
« Reply #16 on: Sunday February 03, 2019, 01:45:25 PM Eastern »