Author Topic: GDT#33 Penguins @ Capitals 8:00p.m. Wed Dec 19, 2018 NBCSN, TVAS  (Read 44513 times)

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Re: GDT#33 Penguins @ Capitals 8:00p.m. Wed Dec 19, 2018 NBCSN, TVAS
« Reply #160 on: Monday December 24, 2018, 01:24:11 AM Eastern »

Puck - I too get frustrated with Carlson in the D-zone and sometimes with his wide right shots from the slot, but your last sentence was perfect.  I don't have the time or energy to spend bitching about him for 8 years.

Hey Justwin!! Good to hear from you!! It’s been awhile.👍
Thanks, and to be honest, the first two years that Trotz was here, (before I ever even joined a board), I spent half the time during the season, getting so upset over Carly’s play, that sometimes I didn’t even enjoy the WIN of a game!!

I had NEVER been on, or heard of a hockey forum, when I joined in spring 2016!
I started reading posts with all kinds of different opinions, all the while, prior, growing under my skin, was this anti-Carlson sentiment that had been building up, with no way to VENT about it!

Seeing folks here, who posted some of the same feelings about Carly that I had, was just like popping an open, festering boil, for me!  WHAT A RELIEF!!! To be able to find confirmation, from some VERY high hockey IQ posters, here, that Carlson’s pathetic. defensive abilities may not just be in my imagination!!! After letting off a few months of “Carly steam”, I FELT FREE!!!😂🤣 I’ll gladly call it good BOARD THERAPY!! LOL!
Since we are in the holiday doldrums, I’ll condense down a little story, here!

NOW ENTER....Mr. Maacoshark
Not knowing him, or anybody else’s board history, (as I was a Newbie), we started posting back and forth about a lot of hockey stuff, but the Carlson quagmire, between us, started to surface, and at some point I decided that I’d rather talk to him personally, by phone, to see what makes him tick! It’s just how I do things in life, nowadays!
First off, and most importantly, I found hm to be a good person! We have talked several times since then!

Fast forward to the present, folks here witness that Maaco and I talk quite frankly with each other, on the board, unafraid to confront one another. I do respect that!

What I appreciate about your post Justwin, is you recognizing my aspect on Carlson.
I accept him here, am fully OK with him, on balance, in his role for the team!

I do get frustrated with Maaco...Hell, he gets frustrated with me too!!

Your post helps me out, by illuminating my words of acceptance for #74. Not hating Carly, simply because I go back and forth with Maaco about him!

Thanks again Justwin. Merry Christmas


Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”