Author Topic: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..  (Read 42887 times)

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #120 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 06:26:33 PM Eastern »

Dbl LMFAO, Mick!!
Now, THAT is what I call “Tactful”!!

wow, i still don’t know what Mick meant by that . .   

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #121 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 06:35:19 PM Eastern »
The NHL is getting what they want.

Look at the scores today.  8-5.  6-5.  5-4.  5-3.  4-2.  The league wanted to feature speed and elusiveness and hamstring the defense somewhat so that there isn't a situation in a majority of games where a 2-0 lead means the game is over.  Everyone here talks about the importance of playing for 60 minutes.  Well, that's what an opened-up game does.  With the recent low-scoring era, if a team got ahead they would sit on their lead like a hen on an egg.  And far from the worry that "if you sit back, that's the way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory," most teams COULD hold on to multiple-goal mid-game leads a large majority of the time.  Now if you try to sit back in the new opened-up game, you can get steamrolled; and once a goal or two go in and a goaltender loses his sense of invincibility goals can rain down in a hurry.

Welcome to the new NHL.  Vintage Tom Wilson NOT welcome.
Which is like a dive bar going to wine and tapas but serves whisky once a month

Or a drag strip banning anything under 15sec

Or a cigar club banning smoking to sell vapes

There is a phrase going around saying “Get Woke Go Broke”, this is an idiotic cash grab scheme that will (continue to) drive the NHL into the ground and comedy


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #122 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 07:07:22 PM Eastern »

Hey Maaco!!
FYI, No BS, I met your boy tonite at Caps membership party. (#74).
I mentioned you, to him, quickly, as one of his biggest supporters on our board.
He said to tell you, “Thanks for the love, from far away”!  (No joking here)
He was in a group of three, with Connelly and Bowey!

    Yeah OK Rush lol


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #123 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 07:57:04 PM Eastern »
    Yeah OK Rush lol

Buddy, no joke!!
I met Carly and told him I’ve got a friend on a hockey forum, who lives in Regina! I told him you were one of his biggest supporters on our forum! He simply said to tell you thanks for the love from so far away.
The Caps has the season ticket holder party last nite. There were autograph/meeting stations, in groups of three players each, and that’s when it happened!

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #124 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 08:03:06 PM Eastern »
Rush, you should’ve asked Carlson what his injury is
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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #125 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 08:11:19 PM Eastern »
wow, i still don’t know what Mick meant by that . .

Alta made a humorous, sarcastic comment, referring to Malkin not getting a suspension from an incident the other nite, from the NHL. Maaco took Alta’s post at face value, not noticing the intended tongue-in-cheek tone.
Mick had a little fun with it, recommending a checkup on his “sarcasm meter”!
I’m having a “re-do” on a chuckle, just writing this response! LOL


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #126 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 08:18:25 PM Eastern »
Rush, you should’ve asked Carlson what his injury is

Yeah, I could’ve, but I wasn’t aware he was hurt. They were all sitting down. Carly was wearing a ski cap. Connelly and Bowey were at the table with him.
I did get to meet Kuzy, Kempny, Jaskin, Eller and Dowd, as well.
First time I’ve ever met any current Caps players. It was cool!

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #127 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 11:45:14 PM Eastern »

Alta made a humorous, sarcastic comment, referring to Malkin not getting a suspension from an incident the other nite, from the NHL. Maaco took Alta’s post at face value, not noticing the intended tongue-in-cheek tone.
Mick had a little fun with it, recommending a checkup on his “sarcasm meter”!
I’m having a “re-do” on a chuckle, just writing this response! LOL


   I didnt take Alta's comment at face value. That's all I am going to say about it


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #128 on: Friday November 09, 2018, 11:46:16 PM Eastern »
Rush, you should’ve asked Carlson what his injury is
   Does it matter to you?


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #129 on: Saturday November 10, 2018, 12:11:59 AM Eastern »
   I didnt take Alta's comment at face value. That's all I am going to say about it

??...Ok, fair enough.

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Online Mickstix

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #130 on: Saturday November 10, 2018, 09:00:06 AM Eastern »

Nope I dont.
I didnt take Alta's comment at face value. That's all I am going to say about it
[/size]Does it matter to you?[/size]?[/b]

[/size]Quick, somone get Maaco a snickers bar!! :raspberry:

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #131 on: Saturday November 10, 2018, 01:18:37 PM Eastern »
Rush, in answer to your queries on my earlier post ....

I am one of those probably rare people who is neutral about the way the game has changed in recent years.  I can accept what the game is now, just as I can accept what the game was in previous "eras."  It is what it is.  As far as personal preference regarding the way the game is evolving now, I have one positive and one negative to say about it.  The positive for me is that I don't see as much of the "team sitting on a lead" syndrome as I used to; the current style seems to keep teams playing actively aggressive for a larger proportion of the game than they used to.  The negative for me is that the current hectic pace feels less organized.  There are a lot more pucks being thrown to no one or nowhere in particular, and there seem to be periods in the game when for minutes at a time the puck seems to be pin balling around randomly with no one ever really gaining control of it.  I think some teams even have an underlying strategy of trying to force chaos.  Rather than trying to create offense through structured teamwork, the plan seems to be to deliberately create random bounces that hopefully will go their way and lead to a breakaway or something.  Hockey has always seemed to me to be a fairly random sport, where breaks, bad bounces and such can in many cases determine the outcome.  The current style seems to inject even more randomness into the proceedings.

It is clear to me that a huge underlying reason for channeling the sport in the direction it is going is MONEY.  For whatever reasons, the sport in the past largely had a "hard-core purist" following that simply wasn't enough to create the revenue stream for today's multimillion dollar player wishes and multi-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollar ownership wishes.  To satisfy that greed, the sport had to change to bring in the mass market:  The less sophisticated fan, who wants speed and action and reasons to cheer.  But less sophisticated fans don't get thrilled and go crazy over the subtle aspects of the game.  Their reason to cheer is the obvious -- scores.  So that is what the game is being tweaked to provide.  Meanwhile, to draw a contrast, soccer, the "beautiful game," continues to trudge on in relative obscurity in this country at least.  Games based on subtlety and low scores aren't going to draw the crowds here.  They just aren't.


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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #132 on: Sunday November 11, 2018, 12:57:50 AM Eastern »
Rush, in answer to your queries on my earlier post ....

I am one of those probably rare people who is neutral about the way the game has changed in recent years.  I can accept what the game is now, just as I can accept what the game was in previous "eras."  It is what it is.  As far as personal preference regarding the way the game is evolving now, I have one positive and one negative to say about it.  The positive for me is that I don't see as much of the "team sitting on a lead" syndrome as I used to; the current style seems to keep teams playing actively aggressive for a larger proportion of the game than they used to.  The negative for me is that the current hectic pace feels less organized.  There are a lot more pucks being thrown to no one or nowhere in particular, and there seem to be periods in the game when for minutes at a time the puck seems to be pin balling around randomly with no one ever really gaining control of it.  I think some teams even have an underlying strategy of trying to force chaos.  Rather than trying to create offense through structured teamwork, the plan seems to be to deliberately create random bounces that hopefully will go their way and lead to a breakaway or something.  Hockey has always seemed to me to be a fairly random sport, where breaks, bad bounces and such can in many cases determine the outcome.  The current style seems to inject even more randomness into the proceedings.

It is clear to me that a huge underlying reason for channeling the sport in the direction it is going is MONEY.  For whatever reasons, the sport in the past largely had a "hard-core purist" following that simply wasn't enough to create the revenue stream for today's multimillion dollar player wishes and multi-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollar ownership wishes.  To satisfy that greed, the sport had to change to bring in the mass market:  The less sophisticated fan, who wants speed and action and reasons to cheer.  But less sophisticated fans don't get thrilled and go crazy over the subtle aspects of the game.  Their reason to cheer is the obvious -- scores.  So that is what the game is being tweaked to provide.  Meanwhile, to draw a contrast, soccer, the "beautiful game," continues to trudge on in relative obscurity in this country at least.  Games based on subtlety and low scores aren't going to draw the crowds here.  They just aren't.

Hey Black!
I very much appreciate the time you took in producing your response! It’s both refreshing, and rare, to
read the qualities of good, poignant, detail, combined with effective word efficiency! Props to ya!
I now understand your more neutral position on the matter.
Truth be told, at my age, adopting a more objective view on things, from time to time, would serve me better, in my eternal quest for “peace of mind”, LOL!

Getting a new knowledge nugget, now and then, is something I cherish, especially nowadays! I couldn’t quite put a finger on describing WHAT it was that “looked different”, in the general playing style of today’s new game. Your descriptive comparison as “pin balling”, in its randomness, is spot on!

Putting a backdrop that NHL hockey has always had a certain random factor to it, sharpens the focus, as to its increase NOW! It had not occurred to me that teams, sitting on a lead, may actually use this chaos as a tactic.
No argument from me that Money is the chief rationale, driving the game structure today, luring the multitudes,  (ok, I’ll keep it nice, here), of fans needing instant-grat! 😁

Thanks for the enlightening post!
There must be some kind of warm light, still flickering down in the ventricles of my old school, hockey purist heart, as Ted still gets damn near 9000 reasons from me, every year, that says I still like his product!😁👍


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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Online Mickstix

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #133 on: Sunday November 11, 2018, 11:20:10 AM Eastern »

So, reading the twitter today I see where it took 15 days from the neutral arbitrator appeal, to get a ruling on Austin Watson.. 15 fucking days?? lol They really should tell the NHL and this Shyam Das (neutral arbitrator) character to fuck off!!  >:( So Wilson may get 1 game reduced, if that..  :clown:

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #134 on: Sunday November 11, 2018, 12:12:55 PM Eastern »
Clearly the process is a joke. As I said before, let the player play through the appeal like they do in MLB and I garuntee you this process happens in a reasonable time frame
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Online Mickstix

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #135 on: Sunday November 11, 2018, 12:34:33 PM Eastern »
Yep.. I mean, I guess no one ever asks "What the fuck could possibly take 15 goddamn days??" Is the dude on the cusp of curing cancer or something and can't be bothered to make a ruling? Just stupid.. As I said before, it's the $ everyone (involved) worries about.. It's only the fans that sweat the actual "games" missed..

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #136 on: Sunday November 11, 2018, 02:58:14 PM Eastern »
Rush, in answer to your queries on my earlier post ....

I am one of those probably rare people who is neutral about the way the game has changed in recent years.  I can accept what the game is now, just as I can accept what the game was in previous "eras."  It is what it is.  As far as personal preference regarding the way the game is evolving now, I have one positive and one negative to say about it.  The positive for me is that I don't see as much of the "team sitting on a lead" syndrome as I used to; the current style seems to keep teams playing actively aggressive for a larger proportion of the game than they used to.  The negative for me is that the current hectic pace feels less organized.  There are a lot more pucks being thrown to no one or nowhere in particular, and there seem to be periods in the game when for minutes at a time the puck seems to be pin balling around randomly with no one ever really gaining control of it.  I think some teams even have an underlying strategy of trying to force chaos.  Rather than trying to create offense through structured teamwork, the plan seems to be to deliberately create random bounces that hopefully will go their way and lead to a breakaway or something.  Hockey has always seemed to me to be a fairly random sport, where breaks, bad bounces and such can in many cases determine the outcome.  The current style seems to inject even more randomness into the proceedings.

It is clear to me that a huge underlying reason for channeling the sport in the direction it is going is MONEY.  For whatever reasons, the sport in the past largely had a "hard-core purist" following that simply wasn't enough to create the revenue stream for today's multimillion dollar player wishes and multi-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollar ownership wishes.  To satisfy that greed, the sport had to change to bring in the mass market:  The less sophisticated fan, who wants speed and action and reasons to cheer.  But less sophisticated fans don't get thrilled and go crazy over the subtle aspects of the game.  Their reason to cheer is the obvious -- scores.  So that is what the game is being tweaked to provide.  Meanwhile, to draw a contrast, soccer, the "beautiful game," continues to trudge on in relative obscurity in this country at least.  Games based on subtlety and low scores aren't going to draw the crowds here.  They just aren't.
While what you say is correct, there is another level.

I’ve never seen any objective data to support that fringe fans only want scoring, and won’t appreciate, or prefer the  sophistication, physicality, or the “old school game”, over the “new NHL”.

Bettman has wanted to turn the NHL into the NBA since he was hired, Which is still what he wants to do, ironic how the NBA has been on the downside since the “Jordan Rules” isn’t it?

After thus infomercial Commissioner has had an unheard of four strikes , he his going after bubble-scheme after bubble scheme to keep the owners in the black. 

What they haven’t accepted is that goals cost salary, the more goals the bigger the contract, so why follow some ideology that will cost more than it makes? 

Fans may like goals, but they like winning more.  No one needs a focus group of 12yos to tell them that.

You are correct though, it is about money.  Which begins with the NHL loosing a season due to Bettman pushing more goals under a salary cap. . . how did they not see this coming?  Or, if it was a break the NHLPA, all they gained was a season or revenue.

This cost them the ESPN contract, and then looking (remember OLN?).  I’m comes NBC, and Bettman can sell his pussy ideology to someone else.  This consists of  “family friendly” entertainment, while pushing “Rivalry Wednesday”, to sell traditional hockey anc give morons figure skating basketball game

Like almost all of Bettmans and The NHLs bubble-scenes (Love Guru, NHL Guardians), the novelty will wear off, and keep wearing off until NBC doesn’t renew and there’s no OLN to take them.

the only season with a gain was a lockout year.  This is really working isn’t it?

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #137 on: Tuesday November 13, 2018, 05:07:39 PM Eastern »

Free at last! Reduced to 14 games.. (Just to spite muthafuckas who posted elsewhere when we already had a 7 page thread on the subject!!)  :rofl:

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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #138 on: Wednesday November 14, 2018, 12:55:12 AM Eastern »
from the above linked article....

"ettman upheld the 20-game suspension doled out by the Department of Player Safety, hoping the ban would be a “wake-up call” for the Capitals forward who has been suspended four times over the last two seasons."

Ummm, this is/was his fourth suspension, no? RMNB is trying to make it sound worse than it is
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Re: Wilson gets 20 god damn games..
« Reply #139 on: Thursday November 15, 2018, 11:08:47 PM Eastern »
Yep.. I mean, I guess no one ever asks "What the fuck could possibly take 15 goddamn days??" Is the dude on the cusp of curing cancer or something and can't be bothered to make a ruling? Just stupid.. As I said before, it's the $ everyone (involved) worries about.. It's only the fans that sweat the actual "games" missed..

“On the cusp of curing cancer”!! LMFAO😂😂🤣🤣
There are many who are in love with their own self-imposed, self-importance!!
I like what the late, great, George Carlin had to say to these morons!
“Here’s some chips, have some dip! Now, go fuck yourself”!

I really miss that guy!

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RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”