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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #20 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 06:42:01 AM Eastern »
Wilson has zero self control. I love the guy, but these hits will eventually lead to a 20 or more game suspension. Why in the hell can't he stop with the bad hits? Everyone loves good, hard hits, but you can't keep catching people in the head.

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #21 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 08:16:04 AM Eastern »
Wilson has zero self control. I love the guy, but these hits will eventually lead to a 20 or more game suspension. Why in the hell can't he stop with the bad hits? Everyone loves good, hard hits, but you can't keep catching people in the head.
Hey W!elcome Back
   Dont worry about that spat we had earlier. . . 

by the way you never answered my question about what you did for a living?

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #22 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 09:14:08 AM Eastern »
Hwy Welcome,
   Dont worry about that spat we had earlier. . . 

by the way you never answered my question about what you did for a living?

I actually like you dude. I just think you're a bit nuts for advocating murder on the ice and finding no joy in winning a cup lol. I'm a Network Technician for a Telecommunications company, why?

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #23 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 10:37:13 AM Eastern »

“Thank God he’s Canadian”! LMAO!

Hey Rich! How are ya!
If I’m not mistaken, you were near Warrenton? If so, we are damn near neighbors.
I’m in Broad Run, near Georgetown Rd and Old Bust Head.
Anyway, glad to have another Stanley Cup winning fan out my way! TTYL


Hey Rush.  Howdy Neighbor.  Small world. 

Damn NEAR neighbors is right.  I USED to live in Broad Run - on Misty Ridge, at the end of Snow Mountain, so literally right around the corner from you.
I actually live in Marshall now...well my address is Marshall - I still consider it Warrenton - about 10 minutes past FHS


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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #24 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 10:57:16 AM Eastern »
So, I guess they'll give Wilson the month of October off?  :-( Won't matter if it was to the head primarily or not, he got him high and the league frowns upon Wilson hits to begin with..

Offline Devise

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #25 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 12:36:46 PM Eastern »
So, I guess they'll give Wilson the month of October off?  :-( Won't matter if it was to the head primarily or not, he got him high and the league frowns upon Wilson hits to begin with..

Listen, your right like yes Wilson has a "fake" bad reputation. They don't like his hits, and it has been off and on bullshit.

But we all agree right? Like that was a bad hit. Even ignoring pre-season. Go watch the Cooke hit on Savard that started all shit years ago. This hit isn't that far from that. Wilson can't be looking to go for that hit. He just can't. That hit doesn't belong in the game. Hitting does, but that hit does not. Someone could get ended for life on that hit, and we also focus soley on protecting just the person getting hit. But the long term effects of shit like CTE and impacts to the head are pretty real. It can cause people to even go crazy later in life. Your brain should be protected, I don't think as fans we are crazy from that

Healthy impact and hits that can cause consequences that lead to some shots to the head I think is different, than running into a guy, chin first. If you make the argument that the guy turned a little in, so Wilson really had no choice, then I'm fine saying then Wilson had no choice. There is no hit to deliver there. Not unless he takes another angle.

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #26 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 05:41:14 PM Eastern »
So, I guess they'll give Wilson the month of October off?  :-( Won't matter if it was to the head primarily or not, he got him high and the league frowns upon Wilson hits to begin with..

I love Willy as much as the next Caps fan but that was dumb, reckless, selfish and predatory -- and that would have been true in a playoff game let alone in a preseason game where objective number one is to keep the guys healthy.  He needs to be sat down BY THE CAPS let alone the league.  When he was a rookie with a limited skill set that crap was not great but okay, but now that he's getting $4M a year, and we need him on the ice, this has to stop.


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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #27 on: Monday October 01, 2018, 10:16:31 PM Eastern »

Hey Rush.  Howdy Neighbor.  Small world. 

Damn NEAR neighbors is right.  I USED to live in Broad Run - on Misty Ridge, at the end of Snow Mountain, so literally right around the corner from you.
I actually live in Marshall now...well my address is Marshall - I still consider it Warrenton - about 10 minutes past FHS

I know exactly where Misty Ridge is.  That’s closer than I realized as well. Let’s just say I could literally throw a rock at the intersection of Foster’s Fork and Old Bust head.  Snowfox Lane if you’re familiar.
 So I USED to live in Marshall. A little house on a horse farm. Perfect for my drumset and I, LOL.  Only the horses could complain. Merry Chase Lane to be exact, which is off of Atoka road, about a mile and a half before you get to route 50.
 Nice and quiet out here in Broad Run. Don’t really miss the city much at all!
Cool. TTYL

Always hopeful, yet discontent -
He knows CHANGES aren’t permanent -
              BUT CHANGE IS!!!

RUSH - from “Tom Sawyer”

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 07:10:48 AM Eastern »

I actually like you dude. I just think you're a bit nuts for advocating murder on the ice and finding no joy in winning a cup lol. I'm a Network Technician for a Telecommunications company, why?
I was just curious as to how to how you coming about your assessments.

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 07:19:36 AM Eastern »

I love Willy as much as the next Caps fan but that was dumb, reckless, selfish and predatory -- and that would have been true in a playoff game let alone in a preseason game where objective number one is to keep the guys healthy.  He needs to be sat down BY THE CAPS let alone the league.  When he was a rookie with a limited skill set that crap was not great but okay, but now that he's getting $4M a year, and we need him on the ice, this has to stop.
Remember when Ted and the league sat Ovie down after Campbell cried about his arm  and told him to stop hitting people and wuss it up?

This is what Willies getting paid 4m a year for.   Who is gonna have a modicum of enforcements or detterant against cheap shots or targeting, Lars Eller??

While what you say is correct to an extent, without another physical threat in the line up, this is Willie is the only thing we have before hiding behind the league drinking soy milk.


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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #30 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 09:39:01 AM Eastern »
Remember when Ted and the league sat Ovie down after Campbell cried about his arm  and told him to stop hitting people and wuss it up?

This is what Willies getting paid 4m a year for.   Who is gonna have a modicum of enforcements or detterant against cheap shots or targeting, Lars Eller??

While what you say is correct to an extent, without another physical threat in the line up, this is Willie is the only thing we have before hiding behind the league drinking soy milk.
     Everyone here loves Wilson but he does need to tone it down. Since he entered the NHL I have always thought he had no control of his body when he was hitting. There is such a thing as a controlled hit. Wilson does everything at full speed. I hope he figures it out or he will be sitting a lot of games.
     Wilson is getting a lot of heat for his hits deservedly so but this hit shows that players in today's game are unaware of their surroundings. These guys think they can skate across the middle if the ice with their head down and not get hit. On this particular hit if Wilson got him on the shoulder or chest and not the head Sundqvist still would have been destroyed and possibly still injured. It is a fast game you gotta keep your head up.

Offline DC_1908

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #31 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 11:29:36 AM Eastern »
     Everyone here loves Wilson but he does need to tone it down. Since he entered the NHL I have always thought he had no control of his body when he was hitting. There is such a thing as a controlled hit. Wilson does everything at full speed. I hope he figures it out or he will be sitting a lot of games.
     Wilson is getting a lot of heat for his hits deservedly so but this hit shows that players in today's game are unaware of their surroundings. These guys think they can skate across the middle if the ice with their head down and not get hit. On this particular hit if Wilson got him on the shoulder or chest and not the head Sundqvist still would have been destroyed and possibly still injured. It is a fast game you gotta keep your head up.
Bettman wants the figure skaters to lolligag all over the ice drinking their soy-milk without getting hit by some “neanderthal”,

It cracks me up that in almost all if not in every hearing, the responsibility is placed on the player makes the hit, regardless of the other players actions, positions, or even acting

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 11:45:15 AM Eastern »
Don't get me wrong.. The hit was bad. Wilson needs to learn how to squat down and really crush these guys who think it's fine to skate through the center of an NHL rink, with their head down..  :wackysmile: Just wondering when the sentence will be handed down and for how long? He probably drank beer in HS/College too?  So, under the jail is where Im expecting him to serve his time..  :angel:

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #33 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 02:35:20 PM Eastern »

Bad hit and what was really stupid was that it was the last pre-season game!!!  There has to be an unwritten rule that there is very little hard hitting in preseason in general and in the last game in particular.  Just get through the last game with no injuries.  The only guys hitting should be the guys that are still trying to make the team.  Wilson gets a 7 on the stupidity scale for making the hit in general and a 10+ for making it in the last preseason game.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #34 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 06:00:11 PM Eastern »
Okay...Bad hit, and I'm not advocating this is the way to do it, but this is PART of what makes Wilson a serious threat to other teams.  The problem is all the circumstance and history with Wilson and his rep.  Wilson is big, strong, fast and hits people incredibly hard, but that's part of his skill set.  He has to be smarter about it - especially the timing of meaningless.

However, Some responsibility has to fall on the guy not paying attention to the game...the guy that got hit.  You can't just skate around with your head down...CARRYING the damn puck in the other teams zone.  You should EXPECT to get hit there. You DESERVE to get hit there.  You don't deserve to get hit in the head or to be injured, but if his head had been up, it would not have been hit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this hit in particular, but for your own sake, you have to have situational awareness and protect yourself by paying attention.  If there is a sport left where you have to be aware and protect yourself, its this one.

Scott Stevens made a career hitting people on the blue line.  He would have smiled at him and skated beside him as they helped him off the ice and told him..."That's what you get for crossing MY blue line.  That blue line is MINE, and I OWN it.  Remember that mother f*#ker!   The NEXT time you cross it, I'm going to hit you harder!"  And I damn sure bet the next time he skated into the Stevens zone, the guys f'n head would have been up.
Dale Hunter would have chatted the guy up about it...."remember that hit?  the one where Scotty beamed you to another dimension....damn you looked like a real powder-puff laying on the ice like that.  Sure hope you don't get hit like that again.  Maybe you should quit this's kinda rough."

All fond reminiscing aside, I realize that was a different era and the game has changed, but that was one of the things that made Stevens a great player and a threat and an effective deterrent to opposing scorers.  Same goes for Wilson.  Being a big physical player is PART of what makes him an effective hockey player.  Unless the WNHL changes the rules to the "No Hitting League", then guys are going to get hit, and the bigger stronger ones are going to hit harder....(that's why you want them on your team)

Again, not defending this hit in particular, but defending hitting in the NHL.

I don't want to see anyone injured or career's ended or whatever, but part of it is on you.  Part of the responsibility for your own safety SHOULD be on your own shoulders.  We have the same problem with half the boarding calls.  I realize the game is much faster and players are bigger and stronger, but half the boarding "issues" are caused by guys turning TOWARDS the boards just before being hit.

Stupid by Wilson though - for the Caps sake and his own, he has to know if ANYONE can't do this, its him.
I'd love to see Willy score more goals, but I sure as hell don't want him to stop hitting people and rely on strictly offensive prowess for the rest of his career.

I'm thinking Willy gets 10 games for this.  That's gonna hurt.

I noticed the caps claimed Jaskin from the Blues off this coincidence or is he a part time BIG BODY to fill in while Willy is in jail?



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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #35 on: Tuesday October 02, 2018, 09:22:34 PM Eastern »
Okay...Bad hit, and I'm not advocating this is the way to do it, but this is PART of what makes Wilson a serious threat to other teams.  The problem is all the circumstance and history with Wilson and his rep.  Wilson is big, strong, fast and hits people incredibly hard, but that's part of his skill set.  He has to be smarter about it - especially the timing of meaningless.

However, Some responsibility has to fall on the guy not paying attention to the game...the guy that got hit.  You can't just skate around with your head down...CARRYING the damn puck in the other teams zone.  You should EXPECT to get hit there. You DESERVE to get hit there.  You don't deserve to get hit in the head or to be injured, but if his head had been up, it would not have been hit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending this hit in particular, but for your own sake, you have to have situational awareness and protect yourself by paying attention.  If there is a sport left where you have to be aware and protect yourself, its this one.

Scott Stevens made a career hitting people on the blue line.  He would have smiled at him and skated beside him as they helped him off the ice and told him..."That's what you get for crossing MY blue line.  That blue line is MINE, and I OWN it.  Remember that mother f*#ker!   The NEXT time you cross it, I'm going to hit you harder!"  And I damn sure bet the next time he skated into the Stevens zone, the guys f'n head would have been up.
Dale Hunter would have chatted the guy up about it...."remember that hit?  the one where Scotty beamed you to another dimension....damn you looked like a real powder-puff laying on the ice like that.  Sure hope you don't get hit like that again.  Maybe you should quit this's kinda rough."

All fond reminiscing aside, I realize that was a different era and the game has changed, but that was one of the things that made Stevens a great player and a threat and an effective deterrent to opposing scorers.  Same goes for Wilson.  Being a big physical player is PART of what makes him an effective hockey player.  Unless the WNHL changes the rules to the "No Hitting League", then guys are going to get hit, and the bigger stronger ones are going to hit harder....(that's why you want them on your team)

Again, not defending this hit in particular, but defending hitting in the NHL.

I don't want to see anyone injured or career's ended or whatever, but part of it is on you.  Part of the responsibility for your own safety SHOULD be on your own shoulders.  We have the same problem with half the boarding calls.  I realize the game is much faster and players are bigger and stronger, but half the boarding "issues" are caused by guys turning TOWARDS the boards just before being hit.

Stupid by Wilson though - for the Caps sake and his own, he has to know if ANYONE can't do this, its him.
I'd love to see Willy score more goals, but I sure as hell don't want him to stop hitting people and rely on strictly offensive prowess for the rest of his career.

I'm thinking Willy gets 10 games for this.  That's gonna hurt.

I noticed the caps claimed Jaskin from the Blues off this coincidence or is he a part time BIG BODY to fill in while Willy is in jail?
     I completely agree with your comment about players being responsible for their own safety. I know DC agrees too.
     I say the same thing every time there is a borderline hit. And not just Wilsons hits. Players are completely oblivious to what is going on around them. Cutting through the center of the ice with your head down. Or getting caught admiring the pass you just made. And when a player does see a hit coming he will bail out instead of absorbing the hit and even worse a lot if guys will turn their back to the hit. It happens all the time. Why would you do that? You are risking a career ending injury to yourself.

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #36 on: Wednesday October 03, 2018, 08:13:41 AM Eastern »
How much time does the DOPS have to take to make a decision?   The hit was Sunday.   It's Wednesday morning, our first game is tonight, and we still don't know what the sentence is going to be?


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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #37 on: Wednesday October 03, 2018, 08:31:04 AM Eastern »
How much time does the DOPS have to take to make a decision?   The hit was Sunday.   It's Wednesday morning, our first game is tonight, and we still don't know what the sentence is going to be?
      His hearing is today. We will know sometime today.

Offline richkrt99

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #38 on: Wednesday October 03, 2018, 10:57:31 AM Eastern »
I went back and looked at this again, and I don't think the main point of contact was the head.  Wilson is low, stays low, does not extend arm or raise up or anything.  The initial point of contact is sort of the side/back of the guys right shoulder.  Problem is the guy took a shot or made a pass and he is bent over and half turned.  His head definitely snaps around but I think it was more whiplash than head impact.
Willy's screwed no matter what, but the hit was not as bad as I thought initially.  I'm sure DOPS will see it differently and based on all the circumstances; willy's record, call on ice, injury, etc, etc, etc. They will call it predatory and intentional intent to injury and main point of contact was the head, and blah, blah, blah.  Suspended for 10 games.

How come when I go back and delete a space in my text the font shrinks?  It causes my anal retentiveness to flare up.

So does anyone have any info on what the extent of the injury actually is/was?

Anybody want to venture a guess on the number of games for the suspension?
Who's got the DOPS wheel of misfortune thingy?
Does Willy have his own DOPS wheel of misfortune thingy? - cause he is definitely special when it comes to DOPS fantasy.

« Last Edit: Wednesday October 03, 2018, 12:29:08 PM Eastern by DC_1908 »

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Re: Last preseason GDT Caps vs Blues @ 3pm
« Reply #39 on: Wednesday October 03, 2018, 11:48:22 AM Eastern »
I went back and looked at this again, and I don't think the main point of contact was the head.  Wilson is low, stays low, does not extend arm or raise up or anything.  The initial point of contact is sort of the side/back of the guys right shoulder.  Problem is the guy took a shot or made a pass and he is bent over and half turned.  His head definitely snaps around but I think it was more whiplash than head impact.
Willy's screwed no matter what, but the hit was not as bad as I thought initially.  I'm sure DOPS will see it differently and based on all the circumstances; willy's record, call on ice, injury, etc, etc, etc.  [size=78%]They will call it predatory and intentional intent to injury and main point of contact was the head, and blah, blah, blah.  [/size][size=78%]Suspended for 10 games.[/size]

How come when I go back and delete a space in my text the font shrinks?  It causes my anal retentiveness to flare up.

So does anyone have any info on what the extent of the injury actually is/was?

Anybody want to venture a guess on the number of games for the suspension?
Who's got the DOPS wheel of misfortune thingy?
Does Willy have his own DOPS wheel of misfortune thingy? - cause he is definitely special when it comes to DOPS fantasy.

A glass of American honey says he gets ten games, with an over/under of 2 games
Knowledge is knowing that the Tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is knowing that you shouldn't include it in a Fruit Salad; Philosophy is wondering if a Bloody Mary counts as smoothie

"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round