Author Topic: A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions  (Read 3244 times)

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A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions
« on: Friday June 29, 2018, 03:24:38 PM Eastern »
I just wanted to keep this brief and 'say hey' to so many of the posters I've enjoyed over the years.  MickStix, Jags, Kitfisto, and many others.

I am not certain when I posted last, but I know it was during one of the two President's Trophy winning campaigns preceding this magical Cup Championship season.

I have watched the Caps on TV or in person (at the Capital Centre / MCI Center / Verizon Center / Capital One Arena), or listened on them on the radio (from Weber to Walton), since their inaugural season ('74-'75) 44 years back.  I was in 8th grade at the time, and thrilled that my hometown was finally gifted with an NHL Expansion Franchise.  And as much losing as there was in that first year, and in the first few years, in less than a decade we were a perennial playoff performer.  With the exception of just a few seasons, we continued to be a playoff / Cup contender for the past several decades.

And yet I feared our window had closed.  I became almost morose about the team, accepting the very possibility I might never see the Capitals hoist Lord Stanley's Chalice in my lifetime.

But then Mac traded for Kempny, and the Stadium Series game happened in Annapolis, and suddenly the Caps started to get that look of a team on the come.  Being superstitious as hell, and not wanting to jinx them (I know, that's silly, makes no sense, etc.), I stayed away from this fabulous fan forum hoping that by keeping the team somewhat 'at a distance' I wouldn't contaminate their Cup run.  And then it actually happened.

I could go on, but I won't.  I simply want to say it's great to be back here at the Caps' Fan Forum, and I look forward to reading all of your fine posts about efforts now underway to 'defend the Cup' - including today's announcement that Todd Reirden, our defensive Guru, is now the team's 18th Bench Boss in franchise history.

Looking forward to the banter and the stories and good times this Fan Forum brings to my life and your all's.



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Re: A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions
« Reply #1 on: Friday June 29, 2018, 05:01:48 PM Eastern »
Welcome back, to the new boards!! I let go of the superstition (not posting at certain times, etc.) a season or two ago.. To a point anyway.. I'd of loved to talk some smack/trash to old friends via social media (this season) who are fans of other teams and in different areas, but the Caps of old had me trained into not makin a fool of myself yet again..  :wackysmile: lol Next season they better look out!   :rofl:

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Re: A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions
« Reply #2 on: Friday June 29, 2018, 05:37:14 PM Eastern »
Welcome to our new boards Biggest!

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Re: A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions
« Reply #3 on: Friday June 29, 2018, 08:46:36 PM Eastern »
Glad to see you here! Welcome back! I broke most if my normal superstitions this year for the first time and they won lol. Makes me wish I had sooner haha.

Offline Biggest

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Re: A Prodigal Son Returns with Caps Now the Cup Champions
« Reply #4 on: Saturday June 30, 2018, 05:20:54 PM Eastern »
Yup - ghosts officially exorcised all around.  Superstitions set aside forever.

The Caps are a helluva team, and they've been a helluva team through most of the Ovechkin era.

And now they are Stanley Cup Champions.  I went to the 'FanFest' this afternoon at Kettler, and it was just an epic turnout - and for the very first time in my life, I set my own eyes on Lord Stanley's Chalice.  That Bad Boy was in my very presence, about 30 feet away (the line was endless, and it was too bloody hot for me to wait in it just to stand beside the trophy).

Btw, it's great to be back here on this Board and talking Caps!