Author Topic: Washington Post just put up a Pay Wall.  (Read 38978 times)

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Washington Post just put up a Pay Wall.
« on: Thursday May 24, 2018, 04:15:44 PM Eastern »
And here's how to defeat it.

I just went to read a story on Washington Post website and I get 3-4 lines of the story and an offer to pay $1 month to read the rest.

It'll be a cold day in hell before I give the communist Washington Post a penny of my money.

I tried the usual tricks for defeating their paywall. I deleted my cookies. Still no go.  I tried pretending like I was linking from Google, which sometimes works. Still no go.  Then I turned off Javascript in my browser.  Now I can see the site normally.  I use Firefox and a plugin called "JS Script" which places a button on my screen which turns  Javascript on/off. There are plenty of other plugins for nearly any browser that do the same.

I found the timing interesting, with the Caps heading into the finals and that same day they now want money to read their anti-American rants and other stuff.  I quit using for the same reason. Jeff Bezos is a traitor, not to mention he literally works for the devil.
Be careful what you ask for America; you just might get it.

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Re: Washington Post just put up a Pay Wall.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday May 24, 2018, 04:57:40 PM Eastern »
I always thought paying for it in any aspect is a joke, they've got to make enough money on advertising
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"bother" said Poo, as he chambered another round