Author Topic: Snowflake Hens radio announcer triggered to tantrum by Willie 🤣  (Read 3505 times)

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Snowflake Hens radio announcer triggered to tantrum by Willie 🤣
« on: Monday May 07, 2018, 10:17:46 AM Eastern »
While there is a chance this is a joke,. .  . I doubt it 

After Wilson bumped into whatsher-name and resulted in reporting a broken jaw. . . An SJW Hensfan radio announcer writes this nonsense smear-piece targeted at Wilson

Including such quotable bits like: “if hockey won’t get rid of them, let’s at least see goons for what they are: No-talent lumps of excrement that substitute violence for actually being able to play the game.”

Rather sincere or not, this is all part of “playing the victim on the high road”, that The Hens, their media & fanbase love to use to gain favor and influence. 

« Last Edit: Monday May 07, 2018, 10:53:33 AM Eastern by DC_1908 »