Talk about Capitals hockey & more! > General Discusion Anything But Hockey
Board News from Admin
I have disabled nested quotes!
Some of the posts were getting ridiculous with quotes within quotes within quotes, etc. The site will from now on work as we were previously used to, where only the most recent quote will be in a quoted post.
Similar to the old site you can still quote multiple posts. When you reply to a post or Quote a post and you are NOT using quick reply you will see the most recent posts below the edit panel. You can click on "Insert Quote", which is on the right side of each post. You can add as many of these as you like.
This should make the threads appear much cleaner and more easily readable.
:wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile: :wackysmile:
Our forum has been moved to it's new domain
I set up some code that will redirect any bookmarks or links to the old site, on any page, to be automatically redirected to the new location for that page.
This was not an easy move. I can't believe I got it done pretty much on the first try. :thumbsup: There were a lot of things to be changed in both the file system and the database. OK, I did lock myself completely out of both the old and new server at one point, but quickly recovered.
I setup a global redirect for everyone's old bookmarks, everything works.
Please post here and send me a PM if you notice anything out of the ordinary.
Just noticed this too!! Sweet!! Seamless brother!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Smileys and Message Icons
I thought I would reveal some of the hidden codes that can be used to insert graphics into your posts. After each of the graphics below you will see typically a word with vertical bars like this one "|"
If you replace each of those vertical bars with a ":" colon, typically one on each side of the keyword then the post will automatically replace the code with the graphic. So for instance typing "8" with a colon on either side will replace that code with a graphic that says "Ovie Score !!"
Anyway, give it a shot.
Some of these are available in the post form by clicking on them or clicking on "more" which pops up a window with some additional ones. The lsit below tells you which are on the post form, popup, or hidden.
|10| 10.gif Hidden Connolly Score!!
|10z| 10z.gif Hidden Connolly Score !!!
|13| 13.gif Hidden Vrana Score !!
|13z| 13z.gif Hidden Vrana Score !!!
|18| 18.gif Hidden Stephenson Score!!
|18z| 18z.gif Hidden Stephenson Score!!
|19| 19.gif Hidden Backy Score!!
|19z| 19z.gif Hidden Backy Score!!
|2| 2.gif Hidden Niskanen Score !!!
|20| 20.gif Hidden Eller Score!!
|20z| 20z.gif Hidden Eller Score!!
|22| 22.gif Hidden Bowey Score!!
|22z| 22z.gif Hidden Bowey Score!!
|25| 25.gif Hidden Smith-Pelley Score!!
|25z| 25z.gif Hidden Smith-Pelley Score!!
|28| 28.gif Hidden Jerabek Score!!
|28z| 28z.gif Hidden Jerabek Score!!
|29| 29.gif Hidden Djoos Score!!
|29z| 29z.gif Hidden Djoos Score!!
|2z| 2z.gif Hidden Niskanen Score !!
|31| 31.gif Hidden Grubeast !!!
|31z| 31z.gif Hidden Grubeast !!!
|39| 39.gif Hidden Chaisson Score!!
|39z| 39z.gif Hidden Chaisson Score!!
|4| 4.gif Hidden Chorney Score!!
|43| 43.gif Hidden Wilson Score!!
|43z| 43z.gif Hidden Wilson Score !!
|44| 44.gif Hidden Orpik Score!!
|44z| 44z.gif Hidden Orpik Score !!
|4z| 4z.gif Hidden Chorney Score !!
|55| 55.gif Hidden Ness Score!!
|55z| 55z.gif Hidden Ness Score!!
|6| 6.gif Hidden Kempny Score!!
|63| 63.gif Hidden Gersich Score!!
|63z| 63z.gif Hidden Gersich Score!!
|65| 65.gif Hidden Burakovsky Score!!
|65z| 65z.gif Hidden Burakovsky Score !!
|6z| 6z.gif Hidden Kempny Score!!
|70| 70.gif Hidden HoltBeast !!!
|70z| 70z.gif Hidden HoltBeast !!!
|72| 72.gif Hidden Boyd Score!!
|72z| 72z.gif Hidden Boyd Score!!
|74| 74.gif Hidden Carlson Score!!
|74z| 74z.gif Hidden Carlson Score !!
|74z| 74z.gif Hidden Carlson Score !!
|77| 77.gif Hidden Oshie Score!!
|77z| 77z.gif Hidden Oshie Score !!
|79| 79.gif Hidden Walker Score!!
|79z| 79z.gif Hidden Walker Score!!
|8| 8.gif Hidden Ovie Score !!!
|83| 83.gif Hidden Beagle Score!!
|83z| 83z.gif Hidden Beagle Score !!
|8z| 8z.gif Hidden Ovie Score !!
|9| 9.gif Hidden Orlov Score!!
|91| 91.gif Hidden Graovac Score!!
|91z| 91z.gif Hidden Graovac Score!!
|92| 92.gif Hidden Kuznetsov Score!!
|92z| 92z.gif Hidden Kuznetsov Score !!
|9z| 9z.gif Hidden Orlov Score !!
:dildo: |dildo| Dildo.jpg Double-Dildo
|goalie| anim-goalie.gif Popup Animated Goalie
|gundang| anim-gun-dang.gif Popup Gun DANG!
|headbang| anim-headbang.gif Popup Head Bang
|koolaid| anim-kool-aid-man.gif Popup Kool Aid Man
|pierre| anim-PierreMcGuirePenguin.gif Hidden Pierre McGuire Penguin Dance
|pointdown| anim-pointdown.gif Popup Animated Point Down
|wackysmile| anim-smile.gif Post form Wacky Smile
|beatdrum| Beat-the-Drum-Washington.gif Hidden Beat the Drum Washington
|bettman| Bettman-Pens-Down-Fix-It.jpg Hidden Bettman - Pens Down, Fix It!
|b| boom-small.png Popup BOOM
|B| boom.png Hidden BOOM
|capslogo| capslogo.gif Popup Caps Logo
|clown| clown.png Post form Clown
|cross| crossfingers.png Post form CrossFingers
|'( crying.png Post form Cry
|devil| devil.png Post form Devil
|fcrosby| F-Crosby.png Popup F-Crosby
|-( frown.png Post form Frown
|pk| greatPK.gif Hidden Great PK Boys !!!!!
|hearts| hearts.png Post form Hearts
|-\ hmm.png Post form Hmm
|hhpp| Ho-Hum-Power-Play.gif Hidden Ho-Hum-Power-Play . . .
??? huh.png Post form Huh?
|-* kiss.png Hidden Kiss
|km| kuzymagic.gif Hidden Kuzy Magic !!!
|lol| lol.png Post form LOL
|love| love.png Hidden Love
|malkincrosby| malkincrosby.png Hidden Malkin Crosby Sucks
|malkincrosbysm| malkincrosbysm.png Popup Malkin Crosby Sucks (small)
|blood| More-BLOOD-Please.gif Hidden More Blood please !!!!
|penscapssm| Pens-Caps-sm.png Hidden Pens vs. Caps (small)
|penscaps| Pens-Caps.png Hidden Pens vs. Caps
|pierre2| PierreMcGuire.jpg Hidden Pierre McGuire Condom Head
|pierre3| PierrepenMcGuire.jpg Hidden Pierre Penis McGuire Inside the Glass
|pppp| Piss-Poor-Power-Play.gif Hidden Piss Poor Power Play
|poop| poo.png Post form Poop
|pp| pp.gif Hidden It's a PP Goal !!!!
|raspberry| raspberry.png Post form Raspberry
|rofl| rofl.png Post form ROFL
||) rollseyes.gif Post form RollsEyes
|( sad.png Post form Sad
|-X shh.png Post form LipsSealed
|sick| sick.png Post form Sick
|) smile.png Hidden Smile
|smirk| smirk.png Post form Smirk
|pierre4| StripedHenPenisMcGuire.png Hidden Penguin Penis McGuire
|sp| sweetpass.gif Hidden Sweet Pass !!!
|thumbsdown| thumbsdown.png Post form ThumbsDown
|thumbsup| thumbsup.png Post form ThumbsUp
|P tongue.png Post form Tongue
|whatahunk| whatahunk.png Popup What-A-Hunk
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