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Who went to the Rangers game?

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--- Quote from: Surreylily on Saturday December 16, 2017, 05:47:35 PM Eastern ---
--- Quote from: ArJunaZ on Saturday December 16, 2017, 07:27:33 AM Eastern ---Posted by ArJuna (had to restore the board back to 7pm last evening and this post got deleted in the process.

From  DC_1908

Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 07:57:19 PM

   Lady finally got that asshole in n the other site.   Heh I actually hope he comes here, just so I can mess with him before banning him.

--- End quote ---

Maaco? ??? ??? ??? ?
  Was I invited here to get messed with and then banned? I hope not.
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--- Quote from: Surreylily on Saturday December 16, 2017, 07:31:55 PM Eastern ---Nobody invited you.
Jus sayin' :-X

--- End quote ---
   Actually yes I was invited.

Guess it wasn't him then......


   Sorry but I was personally invited.


--- Quote from: Maacoshark on Saturday December 16, 2017, 07:40:06 PM Eastern ---   Sorry but I was personally invited.

--- End quote ---
yes you where


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