Oof. I blame it on NHL and National TV. IF the game had started on time and ended on time, Caps would have won ...Cuz it would have been over 30 minutes earlier
That and blame it on league office in Toronto - the Caps disallowed goal with goalie interference is BS. He DID touch him, but did NOT hamper him in any way from doing his job - and Dowd was pushed in by the Dman and made great effort to avoid contact. The contact did not affect the play at all. Need to fix that rule so it is fair, but we've known that for years.as well as....No Penalty call for the Dowd hit. Now i do not think it was intentional, but THE MAIN (and only) POINT OF CONTACT WAS THE HEAD. And the player was injured on the play. THat's a penalty, no matter what, no matter who, no matter how. If that had been Willy, we'd be looking at a suspension.This game was like watching an old Caps game where you are stressed out because you can see it, feel it, know its coming and can't stop it.
The good news is... I do believe Protus? will never ever pass up an ENG again trying to NOT be selfish. Fuck passing the puck around - PUT IT IN THE NET and go home with the win