Believe me, I love loud. Just ask my neighbors.
I just find that to be severely harsh. It's diametric to how I feel inside. I have a wide range of taste in music. Most metal (especially deathmetal) and most rap just seem to me to be hate filled noise. These Eiesbrecher videos sound like growling demons.
That's how it makes me feel anyway. I'd rather shoot myself than spend the rest of my life listening to that. I just so glad I did not have my good sound system turned on when I clicked on those videos. I don't know if my speakers could have recovered from the insult.
I'm happy for you if you enjoy it. To each his own, right?
Maacos correct, a deep baritone voice/style is a near standard/requirement of the Nueue Deutsh Harte (New German Hardness) style the Eiesbretcher and Rammstein fall into. This style is (or was) huge in Germany and Europe to the point of them selling out stadiums.
It’s roots go back to mainly styles of Kraftwerk and Black Sabbath (at least Iommi), with Post Punk, New Wave, good metal (iow not pop or death), and Wax Trak era industrial.
Probably the biggest thing I like about the genre are the guitars, particularly the riffs. As a (former) guitarist the first time I heard Rammstein my jaw hit the floor on the riffs alone! Iommi-esgue melodies with gucikness and technique that translates into power , all while rarely using boring/laymen whole notes, three cord progressions, and/or the chilche “4 on the floor” . . .
The programming, keys, percussion and vocals fell in later. But ultimately, it’s the riffs that make that genre.